Thursday, April 19, 2007

Here We Breed Hubrity From Top Down

I Am Not Your DarDar If You Don't Mean It
He only seems intent on phonesex. Early on in our "relationship" he has all these intimate and affectionate terms for moi. Much later, he wanna change his mind and turn "straight" because according to his reckoning, gay relationship is "unhealthy".

I told him I want a real "relationship". He has to decide. Either that or it is NO GO. He sounds a lot like Muiz.

Pure lust and fun on the side but without a commitment.

Guess age, physique and looks are not really on my side too.

I have decided to boycott that hawker centre and all those coffee-shops save a few from now on. For the price I pay and the company I keep plus the service and food that are served up, it is simply not worth my while.

I have found a few eateries in town that do a better job both at their service level and taste of their food at about the same prices.

Tata all you hubrous people.

Bitch-Ass-Whore And A Whole Lot Of Other Mother Fuckers
She sashayed her way into McDonalds along with her boyfriend to settle down to "studying". Though they were cuddling together and there were just the two of them, she had to speak in her BIG loud voice that she hated this and that.

Who cares, fucking bitch what you like or don't like! I can tell that his boyfriend was one spineless wimp who gets poked at now and then and whose main job seems to be waiting on her MAJESTY! What a wimp!

To top it all, she was giggling and enjoying herself in her vulva while being subjected to various forms of molestation right in front of my eyes in full public view.

What a fucking cheap slut!

While this was happening, I had to contend with groupies whose only vocabulary seems to be a string of vulgarities!

Don't forget that OLD FART who took umbrage at my smoking within his shop premises. If he is so AGAINST IT, then why is he selling ciggies?

There is now a new kopi-tiam that just opened next door and smoking is not prohibited. Let us see how he deals with this!

The Gays/Bis (Who Cares) That Are
An incredible hulk stood by this dude and was expecting him to know that he was obstructing his locker. Not even an excuse me!

Well certainly the gays/bis (wateva) here are the MOST STUPID groups of people I have ever come across if ever.

Ben, whom you remember I blogged about as SUPERMAN the last time, has now joined Calif. I acknowledged him once but not anymore. Coz he ain't responding like some of the other dudes I have been contacting.

Even a friendly tap on Ilham warrants what I perceive to be a dirty look.

Hey dudes! Don't worry! I ain't even gonna call on you anymore!

This is just the kinda culture here. Cold stony silence. Narcissists. Pre-occupied muscle-bound dudes.

At its opposite extreme, we have old foggies who are just as stony-faced and silent whose only thing on their mind is A BIG WHAM at the steam baths and then GO!

The SSC gyms with its largely school-going population seems a much friendlier and communicative lot.

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