Sunday, April 22, 2007

Junk Governance?

Lagi Manyak Visionary Living
If I dragged myself out of the house tonight just so I can blog about what I am thinking, it shows how very serious I must be about what I think and feel.

Following what I wrote about the kinda public housing concept I had envisaged, I would like to bring my thoughts one step further.

Singapore is an island (read: a land mass surrounded by waters and greens which is a competitive advantage).

Within a self-contained precinct (with the usual amenities of course) of no more than 5 apartment blocks and linked to another neighboring precinct, there would have been a green and watery refuge for residents to retreat to.

In fact this would mitigate the population density and build up community bonding.

Imagine all the waterside activities (picnics, swims, water sports, beachfront dining but PLEASE NOT TOO MUCH COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES THOUGH) that can take place here, not to mention quiet, secluded nature spots (much like the central catchment reserves) for people to walk around and be lost in their thoughts or to be with their loved ones.

Trashy Academic (Read: Self-Absorbed Small World) Hubris
I have no intention of ever joing our local teaching academy.

I don't think it has much going for it and making my rounds of the schools marketing my enrichment programs the last time, NOT A SINGLE 'educator' has proved to me to be any mentor or role model worth modelling myself after.

It gets that bad and maybe even worse.

Foreign Trash
I just realised how much of the foreign trash exists here in this neighborhood especially when I hang out at McDonalds.

I suspect they are leasing rooms here and engaged in technical or construction work, retail and F&B service (look if they are serving up their national and distinctively different foodfare like Vietnamese, Myanmese, Cambodian or Thai, at least that would have brought on "international " variety.)

The cleaners are mostly dark-skinned (Indians, Bangladeshis or whateva). Most are Malaysians I reckon (they speak Cantonese or dialects and don't look local).

Some are the ones spouting profanities and behaving brashly, loudly and aggressively. Childish pranking and horseplaying. Of course there are the locals - students and working young adults engaged in lower rung work. Mostly males but enough females.

With the S pass liberalisation, we can expect more of these characters which do not exactly notch up our First World status any higher.

With education already not reaching down to our very own (it is precisely becasue we are trained in the English language as our lingua fraca that WE CAN'T GEL VERY WELL WITH DIALECT AND ESPECIALY DIALECTICAL OBSCENITIES-OBSSESSED speakers, which sound much worse than the English ones), what more with these foreign trash undermining our Singaporean aspiration to be First Worlders.

Arh...So Why Is Andrew Here In Singapore?
Of course I feel let down by Andrew especially in my time of need.

It doesn't help that he is a PR and that makes him look even more mercenary in my eyes (like Auntie Chan Moi) who is here just for the material trappings of a good life and take it all without giving.

And he does help out at some temples (to me, some business concerns who keeps and takes away more for themselves - gold buildings, statues and possibly personal wealth - remember that priest's case? - first before giving to others).

And yes, that dude with him at the park looks a lot more than a sports buddy, he looks like his bodyguard.

So Andrew, are you that vulnerable?

Think Even Before You Speak
If there was already one round of salary increases in 1997 (I think) and the same reasons were advanced to justify it, so what does that mean for the intervening period between then and now (where the same reasons were propounded)?

That we had a dose of incompetent government?

If we need some foreign talent to level us up (were they really or were they levelling us down?), then what does that speak of our "system"?

That we had a no talent system? That we can't create or invent our own?

Survivor : California Fitness
Just too many gay dudes, too many galls, too many prying eyes, too many handsome hunks. I just get distracted and don't feel comfortable but I do manage to work out pretty well.

But all unreachable (not the galls tho) and unspeakable to. So aloof and distant (at least the ones I am keen on). Self-absorbed and sado-macho.

It is in the next generation that I feel hopeful and confident about. They are communicating and in very polite, genteel and communicative ways. And in the English language.

I saw this at the men's/boys' club and it was heartening.

Another Sissy GayLord
It isn't gonna be easy living with Galen for too long.

I had moved in a day earlier and up until now he has never objected to me paying him every 15th. But come last month (yes he banged on my door several times while I was asleep) when rental was due, he announced that it should have been the 14th.

At first he agreed to repair my bedroom door lock but now he won't.

A constantly shifting position like Doray.

He has also issued more or less an ultimatum that he may wanna do a home-stay program (he has a friend who is an agent - GOD knows all of us have friends in high and low places? ) . But I sniggered at the thought, knowing how this will turn out for him eventually

That means moi has to move out in two months though I have told him I rather move out once I get a place which would have been a 3++ option.

Now, the last time I proposed to a landlord to pay him half a month rent from the 15th to the 1st and subsequently the full month's rent every month as the lst is always easier to remember.

But in Galen's case, I have already footed the full month from the 15th to the next 15th but he had a hair-brained scheme (which was deliberate or not, I can't tell) which would shortchange me half a month's rent when I give up the lease.

Somehow One Gets This Feeling This Is How Our Adminstrators Execute Their Administration
They zoom in (often without deliberate thought or care) on something, do a perfunctory survey and before you can say CCB and CLJ, they dulldoze everything in sight and wala, a massive mess of a blob appear in the skyline with other chaotic developments thrown in all round it.

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