Friday, April 06, 2007

What The Future Holds

But It Is The Hub
Ok so that two "more ideal" apartment blocks don't exactly offer views of the water either but they do seem the best choice for now. Layout sucks unless it is that corner unit. And yes that estate is the air-route to some air bases for our armed forces.

And an ageing estate with very old (both in age and of the people) and poor parts.

They Make Good Sports And X-treme Sports Performers, No?
A groupie of street kids. Prolly not very good academically but they were actually doing many stunts in the canal. Running up and down, agile and athletic bodies that could do many nimble footwork and handowrk.

Someone was in charge of them and directing their energy channels to sports and perhaps X-treme sports.

Very good. This is how we wanna develop different aspects of education and different segments of talent.

What This Boils Down To
Between Dick and Patsy, I choose Patsy for my new hair stylist as she gives a better snip, in my opinion. But that means nothing. I am not even remotely attracted to a girl sexually.

I just had a chat with this dude about how homosexuality may be decriminalised. The whole idea is to make homosexuality more acceptable this way. Societal norms will change over time if guys see a future in gay relationships (possibly with adopted kids thrown in).

Bis and gays are doing it on the sly now only because of the stigma and non-acceptance. They are sticking to a sanctioned relationship because that offers more security, viability and acceptance.

Given time, education , exposure and more liberalisation, it will gain wider acceptance and acknowledgment. Like emails have overtaken snail mails as the preferred channel of communication.

History has borned this out. The history of Greece and Rome for example.

And it is true that all those coining of terms like top/bottom, gays or bis are all misleading. We assume different roles at different times. Let us just be comfortable with that and with that one partner we choose as our "spouse", a guy or a gall.

It isn't as if gall-guy relationships are doing very well either.

That is because sex has degenerated into pure physical lust and fulfilment - no emo, feely, responsibility, faithfulness , holistic communication and relationship thingy.

Cheap Shots
So I have the utmost contempt for bis. They are ambivalent. They probably turned "straight" as they can't rebel the strong and high tide against them if they choose homosexuality. They can't stand up to what they really feel and know in their hearts to be true love.

They are also amibivalent because they can't see a future and it is CRIMINALLY (now morally) wrong to engage in gay sex. They are pragmatic, in other words. But is it their true calling? Would you wanna be a minister somewhere which offers a few million dollars remuneration if you know you are not gonna enjoy it working with mealy-mouths?

It is worse if the guys are married or have girl-friends. I don't think it is fair they have cheap shots with gays (treating them like side-kicks) but not willing to commit to it.

Look, I am single and gay and unattached. So I can afford to cruise until that ONE AND ONLY TRUE BEAU TURNS UP. Maybe even in a gay relationship, if it was just all men , I would turn a blind eye.

But with galls and possibly families involving kids, I draw a line.

This is but one small step to "progress''.

Lost World
There is this whole big generation of older and very old gays who are lost. They are alone and hanging out at places. I really feel sorry for them. If we don't move any faster in our liberalisation moves, many of us are gonna get trapped like them.

This is the generation where there was much homophobism and clamp-downs. Coupled with conservatism, tradition, state and religious strictures, they were bound hands, feet and all by the norms of the time.

Sorry state and sorry sight.

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