Friday, April 20, 2007

I Just Want My Own Space

"Solos" Is Off SFF's Film Offerings?
I called SISTIC to enquire why I couldn't book an online ticket for the SFF's offering of "Solos". Apparently they are awaiting for approval of its category-rating which has been for some time already.

Today I read that it has been taken off SFF's list of film offers.

You did it again, didn't you? Every other single hetero-film could possibly have passed unscathed most of the time but when it comes to this, you HAVE TO BAN IT ALTOGETHER, didn't you?

At McDonalds
Groupies spouting profanities . The Mat delivery servicemen/boys speaking their usual colorful local languagely coarsely. Family outings. Courting couples. Loud and brash students and kids. Slow internet connection that takes hours when it could have been over and done with in double quick time.

I couldn't move away when that couple was in some lewd act because I was stuck to the power point and stuck to my work. There was no escape but to watch on the side!

Unfortunately the few dudes whom I wanna get to know are all so distant and unreachable.

Yes it is all happening, AT MCDONALDS (which was one of their sloganeering at one time)

New World
This underpass isn't new to moi. In my heydays of back-to-back home tutoring, I had to pass through it to go from one student's home in Ang Mo Kio to another in Serangoon Gardens.

Now I am using it to go from one world to another.

This world is just like HV but much tamer. Of course, moi had frequented the place when he was in secondary school. That NIB store leasing out second hand books and most of the mom and pop shops are gone.

In their places are the usual few eateries and shops.

The renovated famous hawker centre doesn't open in the daytime and it is so much smaller with few varieties and the one stall I patronise doesn't exactly serve appetizing food.

However the other hawker centre just near it does.

I think I found my little food corner for now.

We Know The Rich & Famous Dine At Fancy Restaurants And Have Their Own Home Chefs
Soya bean milk, bandung and sugar cane juice served up in cans, packets or glasses that do not have the slightest hint of any soya bean, bandung milk or sugar cane taste, they might as well pass for sugary water.

Nasi lemak (which when translated means: "rice cooked with creamy taste" and in this case, usually coconut milk) which is NOT LEMAK, it might as well be touted as just PLAIN STEAMED rice.

Moi was lucky he found an eatery which lavished its "Malay fried noodles" (mee goreng) with crabsticks, scrambled eggs, fresh big prawns and fish cake. Though it wasn't exactly tasty but at least it didn't stint on its ingredients.

What is the state of our F&B coming to?

Given Singapore On A Blank Slate, How Would I Have Designed Public Infrastructure Differently
Our waterways actually help divide up our small island state into neat parcels to some extent.

Leveraging on this, we could have done up our public housing projects in several waves.

One would be to dot all round the coastlines our ubiquitous HDB flats, buffered by greens, then all the usual amenities, criss-crossed by by-ways, followed by highways and then industries (factories, commercial buildings and so on).

Similarly for all the water arteries trans-nationally.

The final wave would be to start from the core central catchment area and work the same concept from inside out.

That waterfront or greenfront view is sorely wasted if we have to watch it from a highway or in an office building where we hardly have time to relish anyway, right?

So isn't it wiser to optimise it by building residences near them or at least initiating a 50-50 mix or more in favor of residential projects?

What Do We Want Others To Remember Us By?
"Hey isn't that the Singapore which has all these really neat, sensible and good-thinking policies? Shouldn't we be adopting some of them as our own?"

"Ah yes, those trailblazing tourism products too which we don't even have back in our own home countries."

"Yeah, look at the way they plan and design their infrastructure, makes really good sense."

"Don't forget their fashion wear has gone really hip and happening and so marvellously different from what we have."

Aren't these the kind of comments we wanna hear from our overseas guests when they come visiting?

The kinda comments that set us apart as TRULY GROUND-BREAKERS who have made our mark on our very own terms and ingenuity.

Can we or can't we?

I Dress Up To The Nines Now
With half my life gone, I don't think I am gonna wait for me to be an old fogey before I start dressing fashionably.

So eat your hearts out, kiddos.

Try beating moi at fashion street wear anytime AND LOSE BIG TIME.

And I am all but waiting to deck out and savour my "contemporary, modern and minimalist" designed home next.

So eat your hearts out again and again!

Junk Food, Junk Living, Junk Education, Junk Foreign "Talent", Junk Sex And Junk Relationships, What Next?
Among ourselves, it is next to impossible to cultivate any meaningful relationships.

Because there really isn't much conversational topics to go on, apart from whinging (in most cases legitimate ones), money and business deals.

I don't think I am a loner. If I am, there would have been so many others like me out there. I see them everywhere I go.

Even those of us who claim NOT TO BE LONERS, should examine our lives very carefully before labelling others to be one.

For example, after all that chummy chummy collegial work at school or in the office, don't we all retreat to be alone by ourselves, and some don't even connect as much with their families or friends?

I try to strike up conversations especially those I may be a little keener to know (but sometimes I just let slip the opportunities due to a variety of reasons: I wasn't ready, I was blur, etc, etc)and get other people's contacts.

But seriously if they are not responding after that (they only have time when they are free, too busy with careers, school or maybe I just don't figure in their whole scheme of things : read not their type, appearance-wise, age-wise, physiquely or emo-wise or whatever), how are relationships ever gonna kick-start?

The problem must lie NOT WITH ME but with them some of the time right?

I Suggest They Get Exported To The Third World Where They Truly Belong
Remember that hunk who accused moi of filching his MP3 and watch. Well, he walked right into the grassroots club today. What does that say, you may ask?

Grassroot leaders (like that old Scrooge from that international school who sits on its board and that geezer at that old provision shop and even that Principal from that same international school - who couldn't be much older than moi) are usually associated with all those old fuddy duddies.

He has prolly become one of them.

Regimented, rigid in thought and SO TOTALLY HUBROUS, STUPID, OLD AND IDIOTIC.

How are they ever gonna attract the young and talented to join them?

Did You Really Have To?
I still think that golf course could have remained at Marina South.

There is that huge plot going to waste, as usual. Carved into heavy vehicles parking lots and the Chameleon and Cantopop areas of old surely could have made way for it?

Think about that.

All Those Expensive Stuff Do Not Make You Any Better - A Beng You Remain
They think once they got all the material goods to flaunt, that they have made it, that they are rich and powerful that they can get away WITH ECONOMIC IMPERATIVES over-riding human rights (read: rights which are really right) and good reasons.

Working Up A Big Sweat In The Sweltering Heat Of My Room
I am sweltering in heat all the time in my room.

I sweat when I enter my room. I sweat after I bath. This is how bad the state of living is here.

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