Monday, April 23, 2007

I Can't Sleep, So Hey, I Blog

Yeah I Need A Connection To Blog
It isn't that moi hasn't got time to blog but it is just a matter of getting a connection, the speed and the whole environs conducive for blogging.

All Those MotherFuckers Up There Have It All
It is gonna be people like us who have no connections, no ties, no nothing that are gonna be the ones to suffer.

All those blabbers up there do.

And marrying for political or economic reasons don't square with people like us who look for REAL love.

Who I Have For My Neighbors Here.
An old woman with her two sons. A couple with their one son and an elderly couple with their one daughter.

I can see that they keep to themselves very much and I suspect that only the woman with the son would be the one giving moi the most problems. She was practically giving me the dirty looks for whatever reasons.

And Galen actually had a notice from MDA regarding the need to apply for a TV licence and this morning there was some animal shit in the pot of soil outside his door.

A Different Kinda Foreign Trash
They are the ones with some paper or impressive credentials, from the First World and speak good English (but wait till we read what they write to determine if speaking and writing can be very different balls of the same game).

But like how Yvonne puts it: These are most likely not the first-raters who if they were back home, wouldn't have made it. It is only in SEA and in Asia that they CAN HIT THE BIG TIMES.

I suspect that it is the same with some of the businesses established here too. Brands which would never have made it in their home countries are now BIG HITS here.

Why Galls Are Not For Me
They will goad me on and not for all the GOOD REASONS but for all the BAD ones.

I will be sucked into their world of insensiblities.

Galls are certainly not for me.

These Few Apartment Blocks Are Just Right
Yes I have found a precinct here in Ang Mo Kio with just 5 apartment blocks that offer some exclusivity, privacy and lots of greens.

They are a world apart from where moi is. Slab after slab of blocks laid close together can only add to overcrowdedness and population density.

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