Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday Morning Thoughts

Culture And Communism In China?
Remember that leggy RJC fencer moi blogged about the last time?

Well he is taking up China Studies, one H1 module for his A level efforts. He was doing a project on China and at one point, he told me it was gonna be about communism and culture.

I suppose he is taking a historical standpoint in tracing developments up until China's current world status. Because China is already economically reformed. There is not a single trace of communism or even Confucianism , for that matter, left in that country.

As for culture, it is increasingly being homogenised particularly in the aspect of dress sense. We have all but rigged out in the West's most ubiquitous export - jeans and tees.

Personalised Inspirational Story Yes, Not So Much Metaphorical Ones
Today I got invited for an interview where I have to (1) demonstrate a 10 minute clip of my teaching style on any subject and (2) tell an inspirational story based on a metaphor or a quote

It is more (2) I have issues with. Because a metaphor or quote (remember all those wise sayings and proverbs we learnt in school) may not be so relevant today.

In fact, if you ask me, they are so intellectualised and academic, they may not have many practical relevance at all.

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