Thursday, April 26, 2007

I Just HaveTo Have My Little Say Ok

This Ain't No Way To Meet Nice People, Moi Thinks
Of course it can be tiring, sickening and frustrating. Especially if you would like to settle down, not just with anyone certainly (we all have our preferences, don't we?). All those gay haunts are not really meeting places but more cruising grounds.

So the whole carousel and cat-and-mouse game goes on and on. But if you wanna meet people, this is one of the ways.

Not just for sex hopefully. But it does depend on one's mood that day I suppose. Do we wanna chat up people or just cruise for fun.

I do miss this big hunk of a guy at McDonalds. Don't see him anymore and also can't be sure of his sexuality. He has a girl around him.

Sigh. All this kinda thing just adds up to make a gay's life miserable.

First you have to be sure of his sexual identity. Then you have to know how to make an approach. Even after that, it is not enough. Do you click and is the feeling mutual? Will it continue or die a certain death? How to keep it going? And then another man hunt if things don't turn out right.

What can moi do?

Work-Life Balance
Look, I don't mean that career or education is not important. In a certain way it is. I mean you need the education for a career and the money for so many things.

But the way we go about it (in part the employer's fault and the whole culture we have cultivated here about what work should be - work, work, work and work), slogging, neglecting the family and even one's personal pursuits must SURELY BE WRONG.

And if education is the whole day, students will have no free time to explore on their own and discover things. Like reading up on their own and other personal pursuits.

I Took A Walk Down Clarke Quay
It has changed somewhat. The crowd is getting there and so is the whole ambience of dining by the waterfront and the bright city lights. Of course I understand this is the bane for people like us where it used to be dark and cruisy.

Well in the first place if gay relationships had been accepted and out in the open, we don't have to hide in the cloak of darkness now do we? And always do stuff stealthily?

We could just hold hands like anybody else, in the full glare of the public and the occasional short hug and kiss and IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.

What If I Have To Abstain From Certain Food Because Of Some Illnesses Or I Am On Dentures In My Old Age? Eat Whatever Now While I Still Can
I am eating quite a bit these days. Sampling some of the other eateries' offers other than food-courts. I mean while I can still eat at my age, I suppose I eat. Not when I can't nor when I need dentures or something.

Food Republic does seem to have some of its stalls going for it.

But perhaps its Hokkien fried mee with its long queue (I only sampled this at Vivo City) is a bit over-rated. Soggy and massively cooked in a HUGE WOK, it doesn't come out quite like the authentic taste in the heydays though it is still served in that leaf-wrap (don't know what it is called in English though).

What Say We Help Our Own First?
Now what I think I am really trying to say is this. Why do I see so many foreign workers here while our very own are scrounging around the bins?

Even Galen's mom looks like she could do with a bit of work sweeping or cleaning as she is doing now somewhere else.

Really so many of the foreigners here.

Bugs Bunny Or PlayBoy
Ok so I bought an ear stud which is a flaming red PlayBoy icon. To me it is just Bugs Bunny but if everyone thinks it is PlayBoy, just too bad for you.

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