Sunday, April 22, 2007

So Many Happenings, So Little Time To Blog About

Perils Of Low-Rise Living
Living on a low-floor has its many downs. Like when they fumigate the refuse chutes, the smoke screen rises and GOD KNOWS what it does to your health and laundry hanging out to sun.

At Doray's place, moi's room faces a two-storey car parking lot on par. I can hear engines roaring to life, tap water running when vehicle-owners wash their automobils and not to mention they can actually see moi doing wateva in his room.

The many, many, many perils of low-rise living.

Recurring Shopping?
Topman gets my top marks for the wonderfully colorful designs of their polo tees. They are so good, I actually mopped up more than a few of them.

But one running trait of our "shopping paradise" here is this: we have far too many repeats of the same few brands at almost all of the shopping malls.

I can almost memorize them by heart : Rip Curl, Topman/Topshop, Adidas, Nike, Royal Sporting House, World Of Sports, New Urban Male, G2000, Giordano, etc, etc.

Please Don't Begrude Moi His Little Happyness?
When I was young and even when I got older, I hardly spent a cent on anything. Virtually no movie outings, no meals outside home, no new clothes, no new shoes, no nothing. Just the same few wears all the time and the occasional shopping.

So please people, don't begrudge me my THIS ONE TIME BIG SHOPPING TRIP, will you?

As if it is any business of yours.

Arh....Junk Friendship And Relationship
I bumped into Andrew today. He was a huge disappointment the last time. I was counting on him to lease me his room at my asking price. If you remember he didn't and wouldn't. And I don't think he was actually earning peanuts.

In fact I have wrote him off my list, like I did all the other dudes who for one reason or another (remember the various reasons I propounded...oO..I forgot sexuality) didn't respond to moi's communication.

After a few tries, I get the message and left it at that.

I have also bumped into this dude back in Bangkok. To him, I was just a sex-toy. He took me with him to Batam and thought he could have his little fun with moi.

I refused and I could see his face changing.

Too Much Rah-Rah
You would have guessed by now, I didn't turn up for that job interview I blogged about the last time. Firstly it is one of those "motivational" kinda enrichment program with lots of rah-rah.

I am for some rah-rah but rah-rah all the time and all that hype just do not square with me at all.

So I skipped.

An Alternative Standpoint
Maybe if homosexuality remains a crime in our penal code, it will be all the better to test who are the ones who would , despite this, stand up and be counted among the criminals.

And even wanna make a love-nest outta this gay relationship.

Wouldn't that speak volumes for these hardcore, die-hard fans?

No Extraordinary Folks
Do not for one moment think that just because it is a club in town that you get swell, hip and fantastic people working out here.

On the contrary, they are mostly the working-class.

Nothing wrong with that but there are the gays/bis (wateva) who just wanna get their rocks off in the steam baths (of course I am guilty too) and maybe because there haven't been lessons on cultivating love and relationship particularly in this aspect.

Can we even in this hetero? world?

And observing all that good gym etiquette.

But can we even be sure they are locals or even local locals?

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