Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It Poured, GOD Darn It!

Oo, Our Boyz In Green Wan A Stab At Fun At The Gay Beach
Guess what happened when moi sauntered down to the gay beach today?

It was under further siege.

This time, our signaller boyz in green were at its remote corner, setting up some telecommunication equipment which looked a lot like missiles and a radar dish.

Then of course there are all those camouflaged nettings stuffed with leaves.

I hesitated for a moment. Moi had wanted to strip and tan naked. But if it was an ALL-GUY ensemble, I might. Since it wasn't, I couldn't.

The dark storm clouds that had suddenly gathered sealed moi's NUDE TANNING fate and what would have turned out to be HOT SIZZLING ORGY at the beach today.

Sigh! And you thought there would be "WAR" right?

You are so wrong. "SEX" was more on my mind.

GOD! You are so unkind. Did you really have to send rain my way today when I would have had a better time kissing, smooching, arsing and oralling ALL THOSE HOT, SWEATY, SMELLY DUDES in forest uniforms.

Did you really have to spoil moi's fun?

Did you?

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