Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dunk It

Build Lives Around Water And Greens
As I have said it before, and I will say it again: Water is therapeutic. So it ain't quiant we soak ourselves in hotsprings, in a hot-tub at home or at the jacuzzis.

All life begins with water. From the beginnings of ancient civilisations centering around rivers right up to the foetus floating in amniotic fluid in an anamniotic sac.

The moment you have some green areas and water, people congregate around it. They do a spot of sports, fish, swim or soak in it.

So build life around water and greens.

The Mcdonald Kids
I got to know one and I hope to know more - quite a few cuties here (not to mention that hunk - hey where are you? Haven't seen you around for a while - GET SEDUCED when moi stretches his legs in his RED NUM short shorts and BLACK NUM tank-top laced with pink)

I mean of course when I am doing my little work (like checking emails, blogging and e-trading and it can be frustrating connecting to the Internet, or that slow and very long time to connect, finding a power point, battery going flat after at most 2 hours of use, the crowd - which comes in all kinds - and noise ) , I have to distance myself from them.

And profanities aren't a way to start a friendship.

But when I am finished with my "work", and I scrutinise these kids up close and personal, they aren't BAD kids at all.

A little misguided, familial troubles, loneliness, youthful energy, time on their hands, a lack of things to do (in Singapore, this isn't surprising) and so on.

I am also very afraid coz I am gay. And I can be attracted to some of them and want sex with all of them? and they may not reciprocate for a variety of reasons.

What if moi gets beaten up?

So I have to find some means of connecting or distancing, I suppose.

A Little More On Work-Life Balance
I mean nobody slogs the whole day at school or at work like that (of course it doesn't mean being in school uniform or work clothes and you come home late that that signifies you have been slogging the whole day - it could mean you just hung out after that, right?).

Families get neglected - the wife and the kids. They don't pursue other interests. They don't get to see daylight, holed up all the time like that in their offices. Their health suffers, they grow fat gorging on food (which is their only workout and solace really) and they all look bleary and teary-eyed, stupid and hunched over.

Worse of all, they are like little robots toeing the official line, spouting the machine mill's exact same words. No originality of thoughts or analyses.

Singles remain singles. And they find that when they reach their career peaks and have all that money, they have NO ONE to share it with them. All of the above applies to them . And the same set of conditions apply to our students too.

So they try to find love at an old age. Sometimes at a very old age. What is the point? Who notices you at that age even if you are togged out in VERSACE or D&G gear and dressed up to the nines?

Maybe your money - yes but love? No.

Let Me Define "Terrorists" For You

A terrorist (according to Oxford) : Someone who uses violent action to achieve a political aim.

I have ignored the other part of the meaning which is an "or" option.

Doesn't that say it all, people? Think: Schools still on corporal punishment - the cane and the government - well, you tell me.

Junk Relationships
Life is one BIG INSTRUCTION manual. In schools, at home, at work and from the state. Do this, do that.

I think we should be SHARING MORE, rather than issuing instructions, most of which are just your own narrow way of life or view of things in your own small world anyway.

Totall inapplicable in another context.

Get this right.

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