Saturday, April 07, 2007

What Am I Doing "Home" On A Saturday Night

Hubrous People
I think if we ease off a little from the "First World" label, life will be a lot easier.

Some of the eateries do not already serve good food but worse, they have the kinda hubris to think they ARE KINGS.

Like this coffee-shop. The server is a LL (Lou Lan) "ah pek". I only asked if the half-boiled eggs could be cracked open immediately and he had some arrogant reply that that surely could not be, since they were just done. Mind you, they don't even toast the bread.

But at some, we could crack open the eggs at once while at others, we have to wait 5-7 minutes. Even then, the eggs are under-done or overdone.

I can name a few places though who do it just right.

Tourism Mimicry Is No Innovation
I do suppose we should build all those touristy things that other countries have. Yes, while on my beach outing, I have spotted the Singapore Flyer in the distance. But the question is, can we also have some original tourism products of our very own invention?

I guess we have all but run dry on ideas.

Not moi.

Haphazard If You Ask Me
We have all those beautiful rivers and waters and greens in many parts of our island. But we are not integrating them into our public housing projects.

The more I look at it, the more I realise how many industrial parks and car parking lots are fringing them.

The apartment blocks are all facing the wrong way (not facng the waters or greens), clustered and back to back when some could have been more creatively designed to line the scenic beauties or in an arc or curved configuration.

In fact if I have my way, some of the streets (perhaps not major roads, but then again, you never know) should be redrawn to accommodate this.

Yes that line "show me a country which has the best governance" is threadbare.

It is precisely because we are a small and very vulnerable country that we have to play up these comparative advantages (if we plan and design right, that is) if we are to beat the bigger players like China, India, even the truly First Worlders.

So do you think there is sufficient justification for salary increases?

Under The Viaduct Rendezvous
Hot sex and hot dudes. My Friday night out to the park (half of which will be a private residential project already in the works) saw hot sex and hot action going on right under the viaduct.

3somes, 4somes and 5somes and I pitched in at some juncture. Red-hot sizzling non-stop action.

One part of the beach is also totally inaccessible now (laying to waste, in my opinion) while some works go on at the breakwaters.

Housing Choices
Fuck to all those bad housing designs (too small, no privacy, bad design and layout, lousy neighborhood, no view, no air, no nothing), I guess moi can never hope to live by the water with a good view of the greens and the water.

I think I will have to let funds decide which of the three hotspots I have earmarked as my housing choices.

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