Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Dayful Of Events

Lugging Work
I never liked the idea of lugging a notebook along with me whenever I go out wherever. It is like lugging work along and your mind is never at rest or at peace.

Off-Color And A Hole In My Pocket
The bright orange color of my watch strap has darkened and my Converse wallet has a hole in the coin pouch. And just after a few months of use.

What the heck?

Galls' Traits
I have shorn off my locks and now sport a GI Joe cut. Not that I have that much locks to begin with.

Patsy, my new hair stylist, and I get on fine and that is just about it. It is more a chat-chat-chat kinda relationship whenever I go for my snip and will remain that way.

She had just handed me her mobile yesterday, though she had turned down my request the last time. I won't be texting or calling her. She will be a sounding board for moi to know what GALLS are like.

In fact she outed a little nugget of truth of being a GALL yesterday. They shop and buy stuff even though they don't need it. And that stuff remains unused because they may not like it and so on.

So why buy it in the first place?

GALLS, here is one more reason WE CAN'T LIVE TOGETHER. YOU are so INSENSIBLE!

Walk The Bloody Talk You Keep Talking Cock About
One reporter in the "Straights Times" commented how he thought that bloggers were just copying or working from materials that originated from the newspapers.

Yes moi admits he does sometimes. But most time, moi writes from personal experience, like this blog.

It is like BIG BLABBER and all those high-and-mighty academicians and what-nots ("teachers", people living in their own small world - meaning within their circle of friends and acquiantances at work or play or in school or in the community - the PAP, etc, etc) living in posh districts amidst the middle-class, the rich and the super-rich.

They love handing out INSTRUCTIONS how the rest of us should live our lives. You must be resilient (and they hold cushy jobs, live life well). You must be rugged (they dont take up sports or hang out at places where the "ghettoes" are). You must take public transport (and they drive). You must be this. You must be that.


Here it is both a poor and bad neighborhood. You see them at the hawker centres, McDonalds and everywhere. It is decidedly a working class neighborhood. Many foreigners.

Just shut your trap!

Hot Pants Down
While cruising at a swimming pool, this hunk of a dude (most prolly a bi on the hunt for a good time) accused moi for filching his watch and MP3 player.

I am not sure if he started this as a pick-up line. Strangely after I offered to let him peep into my notebook carrier and insisted that he apologized should there be nothing, he didn't call in the police IF HE HAD REALLY LOST THOSE ITEMS.

At yet another cruising spot, moi got caught peeping under the toilet cubicle (yes, this is how hornyness, desperation and boredom make you DO STUFF LIKE THIS) of this hunk.

He quizzed moi about it AND it was funny how I replied that I was JUST PEEING, which was really what I was doing after all.

I have a ready excuse should the incident morphed into SOMETHING BIGGER. I dropped a ciggy pack, my wallet or coins which had happened before anyway. They had all rolled to the next cubicle and moi has to retrieve them.

Again, he walked away.

The kinda sexual exploits moi gets himself into!

I Am Really Frustrated With My House-Hunting - I Can't Decide
I cannot decide where to buy my old new home.

I am decidedly torn between two hotspots, both offering water-front living. But here, the really poor and old live but they have such WONDERFUL views of the river. Furthermore, they are very small units, just nice for one or two (what if a kid comes along) and the layout offers no privacy.

Even the two better blocks which offers middle-class dwelling have corridor units that again is not private. So much construction is going on all around that you prolly have to pick the far corner of this particular block where developments are already in place and there is simply no more space for anything else.

And that place, though it is truly a HUB, serves as an air-base of sorts. You can hear the jets zooming past ever so often right above you. And the units don't come cheap.

I really can't decide.

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