Sunday, April 08, 2007

Think About It

Visionary Application Of The Right Rules Of Law
Increasingly, our boyz in blue are called upon to intervene in civil matters such as domestic quarrels or disputes. This is understandable because they are invariably perceived as the first line of contact should the first sign of trouble appears.

Therefore, besides being fighting fit and ready to fight crime, I think they must also have a good knowledge of basic rules of law (know how to apply them and the situational circumstances underpinning each that do not strictly follow the textbook), mediation, counselling, communication and resolution skills.

Yes do have police patrols (which now seems to be under the purview of security patrols now in many other instances) but just remember this: Only spend your time on "criminal" cases.

And gay acts are NOT CRIMES.

Pitiable State
It is already pathetic that gays have been bludgeoned left, right and centre, leaving many without much breathing space. Can't own a place till you are 35, gay acts are crimes and with not many choices left, I guess spaces under the viaducts are now all we have. Plus public restrooms.

That is how far you push us to the brink.

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