Saturday, March 31, 2007

We Are Family

They Took Away Everything From Us And Even Make Us Pay For Our Basic Needs, On Top Of Not Legislating For Gay Rights And Marriages/Partnerships
This morning, I decided to have a look-see at that very popular gay haunt.

What do you know! Its perimeter got fenced up and there were wired barbs, making us look like caged animals, only able to look in. Even that thicket of foliage that camouflages what would have been a private affair has now been stripped naked.

There were a few stragglers but that was about it.

At the other end of the road, things were no better. A steel bridge which looks like the work of our combat engineers now ferry people across to the other side of the divider, which will be the future KPE and Marina Coastal Way.

No action here either.

Further down the road at the park, there were again a few stragglers hanging out but THAT WAS IT.

BIG BRUDDER, you have done it again! You have, seemingly, kept Singapore "squeaky clean", whatever that means. I hope you clean up the soles of your shoes as clean as you clean up almost everything here.

Just remember, we are all sexual beings made of flesh and blood. Not stray felines you can easily pick up from the streets, cage and spay at will.

Top Marks And No Marks For Two Contrasting Gay Services And Yes, They Are Here
Let me clarify a little. That gay fashion shop gets top marks save for a little "misrepresentation". But I was referring to the outcall massage service. It was double Bangkok's rate and I am not even sure if it offers the same kinda service.

Let me also clarify that I have nothing against any group of people, like what I mentioned I saw among me here in this housing estate.

Just that not many look to be in good shape. An old lady collecting drink cans, the charwoman sitting by, perhaps waiting for moi to tip her or something, the groups of kids hanging about hurling abuses and vulgarities, the oldies, the restless and aimless, the bengs and lians, etc.

I just feel sorry but I can't do a thing for them. My hands are tied.

Do You Need Further Proof?
I knew it. This rowdy dude whom I knew from one of the cybercafes actually hung out at a gay stamping ground with his "gang". You now have full proof of what I think I knew all along.

This guy must be revolting against society, against his family, against his identity and against his sexuality.

I hope all those callous DMs (of either gender) can see better than the four eyes some already come equipped with. Not to mention the "system".

He is ONE OF US.

Why Has Cost Spiralled While Wages Are Kept Low And Even Quality And Standard Of Living Are Questionable For The Prices We Pay
Is this the strong Singapore dollar's doing? If so, why are we keeping it strong? To mitigate fluctuations and buy-ins and thus eliminate vulnerabilities?

A Different En-Bloc
I can understand how pockets of small and cheap flats are necessary for needy people, maybe even as living quarters for foreigners.

Since it is an industrial park, this is certainly possible but what of the largely residential character all round. Kinda strange - shouldn't industrial quarters be sited in more fringe areas and further away?

Perhaps here at my new old place, they could still en-bloc but wth a difference.

Those who choose to, can. Those who don't, can remain.

Nothing is gonna beat that kinda layout this apartment block offers. Total privacy and 88 sqm of space, save for the automotive industry in its surroundings.

Just Chatting With Auntie Tan
Galen's mom that is. While speaking, I learnt how they moved because of some spat with their neighbors.

So living isn't just about a nice environ but also who your neighbors are, right?

Their habits for example. Holding buffet parties outside the common area, massive joss burning and candling during the Hungry Ghost Month. Spraying insecticide outside their garden while you, whose windows face the passageway, bear the full brunt of that unbearable smell.

Who needs neighbors like that?

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