Monday, March 19, 2007

What Am I Ever Gonna Do With You?

Dumbest Dumb Dummy
At one of the meetings with the Holy Trinity last week (mind you, I went down a total of 3 times)I signed for a texbook (the IGCSE English syllabus one).
Now they are chasing moi for the copy. I have to look up the postal code and mail it to them as I am not passing by that area anytime soon, tied-up as I am with my current trading position.
I used to have tonnes of these English resources that are of the Oxbridge (which I sold off when I moved out) kind and can you imagine, these clowns are coming after me for JUST ONE BOOK.
I refused to change my hair color, argueing that it would be cut away with time. I don't even know what is wrong with jeans and what they deem "proper" attire. Picking on something as personal as one's appearance just invokes hostility and all round rebelliousness.
Like one's sexuality and individuality.
What is education anyway? Has appearance and attire anything to do with it unless it impinges on decency and propriety? Think of the ultra mini-skirt the DM (Mistress) at Yishun Secon dary wore?
They don't clam down on that, do they?
Optical Physics Needs Applying Here
I walked over to this dude seated by the side of the open-air cafe and realised that the glare and reflection are just happening on my screen and mine alone.
Oo. I just have to find a seat in a darker corner or area where the glare and reflection won't be so bad. But wait, the HP staff told moi it could be the TFT screen thingy.
I hope there is a resolution to this coz it is not helping me in reading all that onscreen print.

And someone forgot that an in-built webcam should tilt up or down.

What's Up With A 52-week Listing?
What is the BIG DEAL about a 52-week listing?
Plenty. For one, I do not have its historical record of transacted prices. That means I have not information on its issue price, its debut price upon public listing, its lowest and its highest price ever transacted.

And yes, the time period over which its price changes, so I can gauge its possibilities. They all play a BIG ROLE in helping moi make an informed decision.

Big Volume, Big Bet
it seems like this one alphabetical listing has the S-L-O-W-E-S-T connection when volume hits a BIG HIGH, especially if you are at Mcdonalds. Because it is the MOST PUNTED one.

It is pretty amazing price volatility has swung between SGD1 to SGD3. I am hoping for the same kinda price movement for my ONE BIG BET!
This Ain't No Authentic Thai Food And Singapore Food
There is this restaurant which can be found at a mall here going by the same name as the one in Bangkok, minus the moniker "Siam". In fact, the foodhall of old has gone and in its place, there is this string of restaurants.
It claims to serve authentic Thai food but its dishes are no where near it.
Good service generally but not all attended to by locals and really pricey. Its lemon-grass drink comes with tea (which I asked to be removed and in the end, it just tasted like water, added with sweet syrup) but in Bangkok, it is just pure lemongrass taste and SWEET.
The prawn omelette rice didn't see any chunky whole prawns and the fried vermicelli just didn't have the kinda flavor Bangkok serves up. Much like our "zhi char' where the fried noodles are invariably salty or chillied, only because there IS NO FLAVOR in the first place.
I remember where we used to get our flavorful, home-made reciped wanton noodles and mee-pok. The famous ones used to be sited along Upper Serangoon Road at the old hawker centre.
Over at the complex where it is a mini-Thailand, foodfare is better, but only just. Just can't match that in Bangkok, somehow.
Oh yes, have I mentioned the many fruity, creamy, frothy and juicy concoctions that are readily available in Bangkok?
One consolation though, there is this one lady on the morning shift at Bishan North Mall who serves up real teh tarik, just the right mix of condensed milk, evaporated milk and tea. The rest serves only "longkang" or diluted drinks.
What's New Or Old Here
The next door neighbor burns joss and I guess if I leave open my windows, the smell would filter in. All the units are so close together, someone's yanking could prolly be heard. And that upper floor people are really loud and the clogs the women wear!
How am I ever gonna listen to music or watch a home movie on sensurround if walls have ears?
One thing I learnt is this: living under one roof, maybe even as neighbors, it is always best to be non-religious, have no rituals and no taboos.
Otherwise there would be many, many flare-ups and unintended encroachment.
Keeping An Eye Out And Hopeful For Re-Development
I just hope ma "new/old" (wateva) place will be re-developed.
And for building the replacement units, there is this nice plot of land bordering on the reserves. They could en-bloc the few apartment blocks obstructing it, and rebuilt them into low-rise landed residences.
That way they can try out moi's concept of "cascading" apartment living that would let in breeze, light and view.
And that lovely shimmering water ! If only dreams can come true?

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