Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Look At What The Future Holds For This Place If Only It Can Materialise

Even More Visionary 21st Century Living
Don't forget that green balcony, people. No apartment living fringing on a reserve is complete without a balcony to take in the fresh air, water, greenery and view.

This whole place has so much space, they can build a primary and secondary school here. Maybe a shopping mall that features Internet cafes.

Bangkok has this mall whose interior linkway is ONE BIG CYBER HUB, with gamers and surfers being served refreshments.

The Thais have this philosophy of life - that is the pursuit of happyness.

Contrast this with the kinda life we have here.

Yes they have shanties, which I didn't even see in China, but look at the areas they have going for them.

A Long Wait
Waiting for a swell and worthwhile teaching job to come my way, most likely at an international school. Waiting for my property investment to HIT THE JACKPOT. Waiting for either to buy a place here or there. Waiting for an en-bloc if I buy there. Waiting for this BIG trading position to realise and explode. Waiting to start an enterprise if a job doesn't happen. Waiting to buy up my cubbyhole in Bangkok. Waiting for my beau and/or kid.

Wait, wait, wait.

Gays Are Shit
Yeah. This needs repeating. They think they are so smart, jump to conclusions and make many wrong assumptions. Too clever for their own good.

No wonder China's history of eunuchs have left the country in perpetual turmoil and chaos.

Don'ty forget the galls - the concubines in history who played their part.

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