Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Little Of My Past

More Gay Hideouts
When I checked out the street directory tonight, I could see how so many of the gay beach hideouts have been wiped out.

There used to be two aquatic centres that feature water slides along this stretch of beach. One of which has variously been a pool , a music lounge cum bar and a seafood restaurant. The other, a lagoon, is now a cable ski centre of some sort.

The very popular one which I had mentioned in my previous blog, has the KPE cutting into it which then meanders into some marina coastal way.

A golf club which was at Marina South back in the old days, has not shifted into place here.

The other beach is still around but I think there is now a huge mass of reclaimed land around it while another part of it leads to a yachting facility. This one offers total seclusion as the trees line the entire stretch and you either drive in or go on Skanks's pony.

I remember the hot sexual dates I had by the sandy beach in the moonlight. Or skinny dipping in the sea.

I am a naturalist and a naturist and only secluded beaches like these afford me the kinda sexual privacy.

This is ALL SO SAD everything is now gone!

A World Of Contrasts
The kopitiams usually attract the uncles and aunties. The bengs and the lians. Once in a while, there are a few cute dudes.

But when you have 24-hour McDonalds and the cafes, the crowd are usually the young and trendy, but not necessarily well-mannered.

More Visionary Living
I recced what I thought would be my final dwelling place a 3rd time today.

This thoroughfare connecting the main road to the estate is truly bustling and hustling with traffic. It is almost like a highway. It is so only because there is a mandatory licensing need for vehicles to be certified safe to be on the roads after X number of years.

When moi was house-hunting 1 year ago, moi was shown flats in Teban Gardens and this one was right in front of the AYE and the Cycle And Carriage factory, overlooking the country club to the other end.

It was as noisy as the ECP moi chanced upon when moi thought he wanted to rent a room at Bayshore.

Moi's classmate has mentioned how a new residential project is launching and this happens to be at the other end of the ECP too. Unlike moi's property investment, which has a good view of the sea but sheltered from the highway two roads away.

While reccing the new old place, I found an apartment block that affords just the kinda "SHUT THE DOOR" privacy I wanted. It was unblocked and had a good view of low-rise landed residences and breezy.

But one end of the block faces this thoroughfare while the other faces the industrial park which I heard some really irritating electrical grinding sound.

Other than that, the place seems quite ok albeit really old.

I just hope they en-bloc this and do what I suggested in my previous blog.

Oh yeah, dont forget to put in the Taman Serasi outdoor dining like at the Singapore Botanical Gardens.

In fact the whole place can do with a bit of GREAT F&B and shopping outfits.

More Thai Way Of Life
The Thais wear an orange wristband that proclaims "LONG LIVE THE KING". Their loyalty spills over to the "His Excellency" brand of yellow polos they wear which they dedicate to their royal monarch.

And just before a movie starts, everyone stands to attention as a sign of respect for the King when the national anthem is played.

Oh yeah, I forgot. I actually picked up a package leaflet on Cialis. That means someone was using it in my cubbyhole back in Bangkok.

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