Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hey Look! Your Brain Is Up In The Sky, Along With The Birds

I See MaSelf In Every One Of Them
I am very afraid to live among people, people who lived a life I knew. I am now living among the 3-roomers. I just saw this China kid whose arm has many light blue-black marks.

The kinda window I am rooming in is the kind I lived with for 10 years at Serangoon. Stuffy and closed up. Not to mention that one-room flat in MacPherson where our whole family is squeezed into, a room with only one wooden-louvred window (I still see this in Marine Parade)

That dude, whom I blogged about once, just passed me by. He looks happier and fashionably dressed too. He is that same kid who sat and looked at that pair of shoes at the Nike store for a very long time.

It is just easy to ask a kid to take up a CCA like tennis. He does need to buy a pair of tennis shoes and tennis racquet and tennis attire. All that costs money.

I can tell where his eyes are looking everytime at the library. He was just looking at all those other kids behaving the way they do. Some nicely dressed, some with their beaus. I wonder what he thinks? Is he gay even?

TAF And Tough
We are scrapping the TAF Club? I suppose we should make it an elective, not a compulsory. Let the kids know there is this option if they should decide THEY WANNA LOSE WEIGHT, not you. You don't decide for them.

IF they are happy the way they are, SO BE IT! If they want to, they join.

I remembered how as a fat kid, I got picked on. I didn't bother. Only when I got to be in Secondary school that I became self-conscious and all that mags and media play up looking hunky and slim and fit. So I exercised and also became anorexic and bulimic.

And lost plenty of weight.

Because I wanted to, NOBODY FORCED ME! If there was a TAF Club, I would perhaps be advised properly on dieting and exercise and be warned of the dangers of those slimming, starvation and vomitting episodes.

I hope we all get this right.

By SpeedPost
I got up real early this morning. I had to get to the Post Office before 8.30am so I can drop off the parcel for that International School. It is going by speedpost and costs me SGD4.20. I queued for 15 minutes before opening time and after.

I had looked up the postal code but just wanted to be sure. When the counter staff handed me the postal code listing (SGD8 for sale) it was the 2005/2006 edition and the International School wasn't listed.

What Happened?
Funny how my paragraphing all went askew yesterday. Despite repeated attempts to align them, the corrections never got uploaded and it still ended up looking like that messy mass of info online.

What is wrong here?

You Aint So Hubby Anymore, If You Have The Hubris To Think You Are The Bestest Of The Best And Refuses To Change
Can you imagine how if Bangkok has developed in so many ways, what more other Pan Asian-ASEAN countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Taipei, South Korea, Hongkong , maybe even Cambodia and Laos.

It seems to me that we badger almost every other country in our press, making them look like some war-torn, crime-loaded, dirty and polluted, undeveloped backwaters.

My experience in Bangkok shows otherwise.

Housing Woes Of The Homeless
When I spoke with Uncle Teo, the housing agent now looking for a home for me, I told him how having lived in "First World" conditions, it would be MANY STEPS BACKWARD, to live in old housing estates without all the modern conveniences, layout and design.

Surprisingly, this 34 year-old estate has (like utilities meter reading outside the unit and piped-in gas) but the layout just isn't it.

Coz we would want windows to open out to a view, light and wind, not to some passageway. You can do whatever at whatever noise level but as long as that door is shut closed, which is the only thing that opens out to the five-foot way, NOBODY HEARS OR SEES YOU!

Nobody wants redevelopment where you get compensated at market value for your current flat and then take on an equivalent or bigger new replacement flat and incur extra liability.

All those brand-new affordable 2 and 3-room flat, which is at present kept out of reach of singles like moi, would be just right, in terms of price and living space.

It seems like we only have that few condo-design flats here while in Bangkok, almost all developments are condo-designed. And prices are comparable.

One Year Volunteerism In Cambodia
I am looking to volunteer for a year to teach in Cambodia. Maybe I can pick up a kid or a beau or both even.

I just hope return airfare, accommodation, food and travelling expenses are covered. Plus a token allowance every month for sight-seeing the place?

The minimum for volunteering?

Our Elites - Are They There Yet?
Let me write about what I observe in some of the kids here, especially at the elite schools. I have bumped into some HCI and RI/RJC dudes.

They struck me as being too encumbered up there (meaning their intellect and brains) with academic stuff. Seriously they need a physical outlet for all that brain energy to go somewhere, apart from having SEX of course.

I can see they ARE EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS, toeing all the safe academic lines and very afraid to veer away from the straight and narrow. Very safe, very cloistered, very rigid, very KIASI and very STRAIGHT-LACED.

I feel very sorry for them. No independent thinking , experimentation or self-discovery.

So so sorry.

How My Property Investment Measures Up
Sometimes I also wonder what kind of eye lens they are viewing the world with. Seriously, rose-tinted or SO UNREAL.

I mean I can see how my property investment beats the Marina and Sentosa development on several counts.

In any case, there is a possible future link by train from Marina to ma investment property. So any comparative advantages are prolly negated anyway.

When measured up against Marina, it offers a sea front versus a bay front and people who are not so city-city, they would like the quieter environs, nearer the sea. Even then it has always been that traditionally hankered after district 15, not 16, which is further away from the sea.

And close to amenities like shopping malls, eateries, shops, markets, transport and everything.

Sentosa is so remote. It is a touristy place with touristy attractions, none of the necessary conveniences and Vivocity is so far away. The trains only take you to the beach, not to Sentosa Cove.

You need to drive.

Me Eyes
I hope my eyes are not giving way. Because I squint and close an eye now whenever I read up close. Small print stuff anyway. Like the street directory or a music CD packing.

Please GOD! I can't afford LASIK yet (exercise like gym and the SAUNA, going from air-conditioned places to the outdoors have all proved to be anti-SPECS, even my contacts are not comfortable and blurry when reading or seeing at times).

BUT I can't go blind now. not yet at least. I havent got round to seeing ALL the GORGEOUS dudes naked. So please...............

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