Saturday, March 10, 2007

Pangang Queen Of Bishan

CNY Visit To Auntie Chan Moi
It has been long overdue. But moi was tied up, what with my trip to Bangkok. I paid Auntie Chan Moi her CNY respects just one day short of Yuan Xiao Jie, the Chinese equivalent of Valentine's Day. And only because I wanted to.

There were no more Mandarin oranges on sale but I suppose a tin of Danish butter cookies would be more lavish than a pair of bright orangey oranges that need peeling , right?

And boy do I realise something. Auntie Chan Moi must be BISHAN's undisputed PANGANG SATAY AND TALK COCK QUEEN. But of course she has her many ILLUMINATING MOMENTS too.

Moments like when she recounted the officialdom of the inspectors who prey and pounce on wholesalers who encroach on public territory. Just think of those SLY inspectors hiding behind corners near bus bays or at illegal drop-off points or the CISCO dudes who tail drivers trying to pick up arriving passengers at the airports.

Above all, she mentioned how studio apartments for the elderly will be "confiscated" by the authorities in the event of the deaths of the owners, without a cent going to any of their descendants or beneficiaries.

Something which I can't verify on their official webby (read: INCOMPLETE INFORMATION, nothing that says what happens in the event of the deaths of the owners)

And with a stipulation that one owner must be at least 55 years and a lease of 30 years, isn't that a high probabibility.

I do know for a fact that they can't be sold on the open market and the owners can only return the flat to the housing authority if they decide not to stay in it anymore, with the housing authority having SOLE DISRETION AND AUTHORITY to pay back whatever residual value of the flat (how bloody fucking pompous is that?)

God knows what else is GONNA HAPPEN SHOULD the owners outlive the 30-year lease.

The Things I Have To Give Up For The Sake of My Passion
What a Scrooge! I knew they couldn't pay as well (or could they?). Guess I really have to look to my investments to keep me from begging in the streets or hustling ! And they wanna change moi's attire and appearance!

I have to give up my left earring, my jeans? tuck in my shirt, put on "proper" trousers and I have to give up my GOLDEN TIGER STRIPED mane! The last I managed to negotiate as I just had my haircut and this SECOND job-clincher interview didn't come before that.

If you-didn't-tell-me-in-the-first-place, how I know wor.

Besides an interview is only an interview. It isn't as if I KNOW I WILL GET THE JOB RIGHT? So you mean my HAIR GOES ON HOLD and I wait TEN THOUSAND YEARS for you to tell me I GOT THE JOB?

Boys, you better prove you are better-looking than the Thai dudes I have the GREATEST SEXUAL PLEASURE of meeting! Otherwise I am just wasting my BLOODY PRECIOUS TIME ok!

And I know some are gonna break my heart like the rest of them : He Jian, Huai Bao, Zhu Ping, Muiz and many many others.

WA MAI REGISTER LEI (written in dialectical form)
Now I have to solve the BIG PROBLEM of "registering as a teacher". Funny how I have been registered so many times already in the past. Registration which entitles me teaching rights for a year and that is for substitute teaching only.

I thought if you are registered once, that would be enough and only because you are new. If there are changes, you simply re-register to update.

But if there ain't, why would you wanna keep re-registering? Do you shit and pee at the exact same spot everytime you plonk your butts down on the toilet seat? No right.

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