Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Missed Connections

Vista And WiFi Tension Headaches
I think I am having a bout of tension headache. This is when moi feels all tensed up somewhere between the brows.

If you thought that buying my notebook settles all my problems, you are wrong! It has brought on more problems for moi.

First there is that compatibility issue getting Vista to work with my Norton Anti-Virus (yes it is VERSION 2007 but it can't work with Vista yet) and my other computer peripherals. I havent even settle down to monkeying around with imy notebook's tablet functions and GOD KNOWS WHAT THAT WILL BRING ME!

And then there is that delicate and precarious position of finding JUST THE RIGHT WIRELESS HOTSPOT that has excellent signal strength for me to get connected to the INTERNET HIGHWAY.

Yes, many, many,many places have been earmarked as wireless surfing paradises but not many has delivered what it promises.

This is very, very,very, very frustrating indeed.

WIFI MisConnection And DisConnection And Annual Staff Event
I must have spoken too soon about "our superb libraries" and "our WIFI connection everywhere".

Today was the Annual Staff Event for all the central, regional and community libraries. What that means is that they are all closed till 2pm.

But moi didn't know that. Yes they had a notice put up on their website but nobody visits a website everyday unless he has some perennial business there.

When I trudged my sorry arse down carting my notebook and all, I was expecting to do some work, like troubleshooting my anti-virus software program which I can't do except online. I was counting on their WIFI to do that, with the permission of HIS EXCELLENCY the WIFI Connection that is (read : CRANKY OLD GROUCHY WIFI who may wanna work today or he may not. Maybe even tomorrow).

As it is, I had trouble logging in almost anywhere now, even at purported wireless hotspots. Low and no signal strength, it seems.

So when the signpost read "Annual Staff Event ...........and library will only open at 2pm", I wanted to KILL SOMEBODY for wasting my trip and time.

Couldn't they announce it a week earlier so patrons are forewarned? And put up notices on more media forms like the radio, TV and newspapers? Better still, if this is a fixed annual event, much like our public holidays on a certain date and month, couldn't they say so so patrons will know?

It poured and I had no where to go to do my surfing. This is the peril of road warriors, people who work out of the office and home and are working on the go and in the rough.

GOSH, please............. let us get the WIFI right.

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