Friday, March 30, 2007


No Marks For Gay Service Culture
I dropped by this well-known gay fashion shop.

They had this nice but really tight and thick tanks with a sling. I wondered what it is for. I was told it was for slinging it across your bod when you take your tank off. It looks more like the rein for riding a horse.

I browsed the racks for a running short. There was one without an inner lining which looked more like a boxer. The staff kept insisting it was. But I thought otherwise.

Even the gay joint running a massage service sounded much like the gay beng at the gay bathhouse. Rude, loud and bengish. Absolutely no service. I was trying to compare the kinda gay service culture here as opposed to Bangkok.

See, even this was SHIT.

Isolation And Happy In A Certain Way
I did say "hideouts and hideaways", didn't I? Well we never fitted into society anyway. If moi suffers from that Japanese social phenomenon of "kinky-more-please", it is only because we are under threat from society - GAY BASHING that is and being hemmed in.

We don't have any privacy nor the privilege of a sanctuary for ourselves BECAUSE OF SOCIETY NORMS (all those NUTS in those rented places or "mental asylums" were normal?).

Here at the beaches, it was one vast place to roam and BE YOURSELF, where else? I am not gonna be near anyone, GALLS, WIMPS, BITCHES , FUDDY DUDDIES OR THE PAP, and suck up to them. Those gays who do, are ONE BIG MASQUERADE PARTY! They will unmask one fine day for sure.

I remember those few secluded rought terrain that lead into the beaches. Winding and at times, you need to cross water that are knee or thigh deep when it is high tide or after a rain. Muddy, full of thorny grass that cling onto you or scratches you.

But the beautiful sunset and that shimmering water is a scene you can never forget. Plus those REALLY HOT dudes.

At the parks and out on the streets, our men in blue were constantly on patrol, despite knowing that these were gay/bi stomping grounds. This is really a sore point with the gay community, if not, at least for moi.

They have swept everything indoors and commercialise gay sex. This what we are all about.

A Refund Or An Exchange
If a refund cannot be had, then an exchange would be nice.

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