Saturday, March 10, 2007


Mitigate The Sleaze
We already have most of the sleaze here. It isn't gonna get any better with the opening of the casino. In fact on my return flight from Bangkok, it was dominated by many China passengers. They were laughing at how we think we are excellent in so many fields.

One group ridiculed a family for playing cards which was like taboo and forbidden in many places like homes and schools, especially if money is involved. But they pointed out how ironical we are gonna have the IR with the casino thrown in.

I suggest we mitigate this by liberalising the Women's Charter allowing same-sex marriages or domestic partnerships.

Was I Blogging About You?
I have been blogging about various people. Galls, wimps, gays, bis, idiots, wateva. But if that is NOT YOU I am talking about and YOU DON'T FIT the traits I am saying, why should you take offence.

There are galls and there are galls. There are gays and there are gays. But if you are not that kinda gall or gay, THEN IT ISN'T YOU RIGHT?

He-Ape, You Will Die A Tragic Death One Day
For all the behind-the-scenes maneovures you made and making me sign the papers before my exit, accusing me of all the things I didn't do. You are an instigator and conniver and you will come to no good end. God (isn't that what you purport to believe in?) will punish you for all the EVIL you did.

You will be cursed in Hell if you pretend you are such a Holy and devout but hypocritical Christian.

You Can Pay, Can't You?
They are leasing out premises to private operators of pre-school education. I suppose they can. I can only hope for that 1 year bonus to supplement a livable income. And for my investment to work out

Let The People Have Their Own Private Means Of Augmenting Their Financial Independence Without Any National Interference - Like Their Investment
This is one thing we should do. Let the people have means and ways to augment their income like their investments. Then they don't have to go to you and ask for handouts if they find that they can't live out their financial independence one day.

Wouldn't that make them self-supporting in many ways? Who wanna go and see you and see your fuckface every day anyway?

I have listed at least seven favourable factors why I think my property investment stand head and shoulders above all others. I hope my classmate catch on and the rest of the investors too.

I Like Living Here In Bishan
I can get anywhere (all within walking distance and I don't spent on transport) and I like the Bishan library where I can do my free WIFI surfing where it is more likely I can connect. And all those amenities nearby like the park, shopping mall, mrt, stadium and swimming pool and so on . Most of all I like that coffee-shop on a high plain where it is really breezy.

What Contribution? You Mean Politicking And Being A Tripod?
They are still playing up the contribution line to defend who gets what. RUBBISH! Let us just look around us and see how their "contributions" have gotten us anywhere? You mean contributing to their own self-serving interests? Their power. Their wealth.

What have we got to even call our VERY OWN INVENTION OR ENTERPRISE! Far and few.

Have we even got First Class well-thought out designs in terms of our education, housing, infrastructure, tourism, food and beverage, etc. Have we even got sound reasoning in most of our policies?

Did they make a difference in our lives or have they just added to our woes?

What is "contribution"? Do we wanna contribute our lives, our health and our sanity in the midst of it all?

Think about that.

Bottoms-up Hubris
I do realise sometimes how it isn't the policy-making at the top that is wrong. It is the executioner who could be more flexible in implementing it or he inteprets it in his own way or even add more fuel to the fire.

BECAUSE he wanna be a control freak just like at the TOP.

You Are As Nutty As NutCases Can Ever Get To Be
You have done a great job ridding Singapore of its gangsters. Now take note that the gangsta (especially the younger set) are a different lot. They are not gangsters in every sense of the word and need to be "handled" differently.

You take in many of the Third Worlders who may be gangsters (read: engaged in criminal activities). How do you explain that?

And you school all of us to purportedly First World standards (we still lag in many areas especially in our reasoning and thinking skills) but how do we deal with the Third Worlders in reality and in life.

Do they play by the rules?

Dumbos, geddit?

The Immutables
A person's home, his money due and his feelings and his affections. You don't trifle with any of those or take them away. Just remember this.

There was this mynah who got trapped at the Calif gym one afternoon. It was flying from post to post and from one window to another. But it couldn't get out because the windows were all closed.

I hope it finds a way out soon. Dont we all?

Yes I Wanna Get To Know Jack, Jason And Andrew Plus Many Others At The Gym

Estate Churning And Conniving In Reverse
Of course estate churning can also go the other way, this time the agents workking in cahoots with the tenants to swindle the owners.

To think I actually paid all those FUCKING AGENTS to bring in those FUCING TENANTS and now pay THOSE SAME FUCKING AGENTS AGAIN to rent THOSE FUCKING places.

Like that Malaysian ex-Finance Director who set up a mini-golf course in his room in my house.

Singaporeans (And That Means Me Too) And Galls/Gays/Bis (Wateva) Are Shit
This piece of writing was found on the walls of a public location in Bangkok. I mean the part about "Gays being shit". Not the rest though.

Well I have to agree because I meet some gays and they mouth the exact same mindless things the machine mill instructs them to say (without any meaningful thought or reason or with regard to the peculiarities of the situation).

That means context. Experience counts. But every situation is unique in its own way and experience may or may not help. We have to get this very right.

Sometimes gays and galls (or bis or wateva) think or say far worse things. They have many assumptions about things and people and they think that is what you are thinking or why you are behaving. To humour others and themselves and TO GET ALONG and BE ONE OF THE GUYS, they do this.

Like this Beng at the sauna. He must be the STUPIDEST GAY on this planet called EARTH. He co-owns the place as I understand it. They issue two padlocks for one locker. Each tangled to the other by loops and their respective keys.

I know my previous old luggage had two . That was because one wasn't working anymore and I can't insert the key because of a tear along the side of the smaller padlock. A really small one.

Singaporeans have been hit left, right and centre with SO MANY STUPID AND INSANE THINGS, I am shocked and awed they can still be unflustered.

Good for you, SINGAPORE! You deserve this. Not moi though.

Doray, It Was Certainly A Slip Of The Slippery Kind
When I visited the home-based massage parlour, I almost slipped on its frontyard where I suppose they throw away oil, cream, soap or whatever.

Water doesn't do that as much unless it is really really soaking wet and filled with water like a rainy day or a washed floor.

A slip of this kind is when your foot goes forward up in the air and if it is dangerously slippery enough, you slip and fall. But if it isn't, you just slip. And live.

What Went On With My Laptops And I Ain't Touch Anything Ok
Now if you think I was jinxed with the Acer And Toshiba laptops I bought the other time, let me tell you I did nothing to them. The sales staff were the ones testing and handling them all the time RIGHT THERE ON THE SPOT.

And that was the way I wanted it. I touch nothing and no blame can be pinned on moi.

The first one I brought home couldn't read my CDs. I called its technical support centre and the support staff told me to uninstall the driver. How insane was that but I followed nevertheless. Look, he is the TECHNICAL SUPPORT EXPERT, ain't he?

The second one couldn't burn any discs as its "BURN" tab wasn't highlighted. That means it ain't working. On the third day, the sales staff had replaced it with another but it couldn't work and so I switched to a Toshiba which also didn't work.

By then he had checked the first one and it was up and running and I finally took that first one back home but by now my confidence in the product was so shaken, I decided to swop for the HP Pavilion when it became available, instead.

How I Trouble-Shot My Norton Anti-Virus 2007 Program
The 2007 version doesn't work with Vista. I was referred to its support webby where I tried downloading its updates. Midway through, there was a prompt for a communications error where I couldn't download anymore. I resumed downloading and it stopped again.

Something to do with the server.

As my batteries ran flat and the connection wasn't connecting, I had to try again over the next couple of days. One Indian tehnician (GOSH, the accent.......) referred me to another support webby where the updates took many, many hours and I couldn't finish with it as it was closing time at that public location.

I finally got down to finishing with it despite disruptions due to a talk held at the community library. It was only possible after I deleted some redudant files which that one long download website had installed.

Other Nutty Going-ons
I spray washed the stand-fan and got water into its electrical parts which caused a circuit trip at Doray's when I plugged the fan in and tried turning it on. That was because I couldn't find the usual pry-open metal bars that would open up its cover. Ok ok I wasn't thinking right and I couldn't take all that dirt and grime sticking to its grills.

Fact is I was stressed enough already and stress doesn't make one think very well sometimes.

I also couldn't remember how it was that the previous optometrist at a shop could issue me my LINKPOINTS. So I didn't claim it for my new pair at the same shop at a different location. I only realised today it was my PASSION card when I saw the display sign a few shops away.

But the Filipina and Malaysian opticians working here hould know better, shouldn't they?

Doray's one power point has melted two of my plug-in three-pin adapters. I am not sure if it is (a) the adapters themselves - read: defective (b) the one power-point which caused overloading with so many of my electrical appliances plugging in at the same time or (c) the flat is 20 years old and possibly some wear and tear in the wiring and maybe even insufficient power loading all round

I know Doray's place is windy. But the windows aren't full length, so if you sit or sleep, you don't get the full wind. Unless you stand. And if the furniture are placed further away from the windows.

Only French windows - read: full length - and unclustered housing concepts with support grilles (versus closed up windows which will again obstruct wind) up to a metre in height at the base serving as protective and safety barriers can afford that.

Some Downside to Living In Bangkok
The cabbies, once they know you are a foreign visitor, would take a circuitous route. I know one cabby who drove on part of the highway because he knows that was congested . Then he exited and went on to other congested roads.

Another drove round the whole Chinatown and I was familiar with the area because I have trudged that part on my one visit before.

The really honest ones were the cabbies who drove me home to the airport and that young chap who short-cut many congested roads and sped all the way. He even played English pop music which showed how "open" he must be.

Then of course most bars close at 1 or 2 am and even their Mcdonalds close at around 10 or 11 or 12. At least we do have our 24-hour coffee-shops and Mcdonalds and our bars at 4am or so.

Am I Anti-Social, Certainly Not
It is a non-talking and non-communicative culture we have fostered here. Beginning with schools.

Sometimes I don't blame anyone.

The kinda communication anyway is usually when we try to get some benefits from someone right? Or we are rapt in our thoughts and mired in our problems and we just wanna work away our blues and the last thing we want is MORE PROBLEMS chatting with someone especially if he is A PROBLEM in itself, right?

Even if I try to strike up a conversation, the other person may not take to it. Especially at the libraries because it is expected to be a quiet and non-talking environment. And the patrons are engrossed in their reading and research or work.

Or the gyms where the dudes only talk among their friends and are caught up in their work-outs to get THAT AWESOMELY SCULPTED BEAUTIFUL BODY .

By the way this RJC fencing dude at the library is so leggy, he looks fabulous in shorts! My libido runs wild...........I found myself chatting to him in person in between talking to him on MSN right there sitting across each other at the same table, using our laptop/notebook.

Real nutty! But isn't Singapore?

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