Saturday, March 10, 2007

Get This Right, Mother Fuckers

Your Home Is Where You Heal Away Your Day's Cares And Woes, Isn't That So?
If Bangkok can offer brand new apartments with condo design and facilities with prices that rival our HDB's, why can't the housing authority do the same?

For poor singles like us, we have to jostle for one, along with the low-incomers, the elderly and the PR family nuclei unit, with pricey tags (when compared to brand new units strictly reserved for the "family nuclei") in slum areas on the resale market.

These units come with many design headaches in terms of layouts and inconveniences like being on a low-rise (delivery companies actually charge more if they have to cart goods up and down the staircases when there are no elevators), needing to submit electrical and water meter readings and no pipe-in gas (that means needing gas cylinders delivery and fix-up and we all know how INCONVENIENT that is)

And yes, I am planning this right down to the last detail. Because I only want to bequeath it to my beau or son. He stood by me, loved me and supported me all the time. It is only right he DESERVES this.

A dwelling place is a NEST we all retire to at the end of a day and we want it to be as comfortable as it can be.

No hassles, no louts to break the peace and harmony of a home (that means you, NOISY NEIGHBORS who party all the time), no nonsense and no women. Just you, your beau and your child.

Isn't that so?

Estate Churning And Conniving
I hate to say this. But it does seem like the few estate owners in Bishan are working in cahoots with the property agents. That means they churn the few properties they hold to create a high turnover in tenancy which means a rental commission each time for the agents.

And possibly they split this with the owners .

Now that Doray wants to lease out his whole flat upon his father's death, moi has to look for another place. Nora, the agent (Doray's friend), transacted the deal for me. She also transacted the same deal bringing in the new lessees.

What does that speak of her? And it is her job to find me another place minus her commission charges.

That is how wrong the whole property market has gone!

Are You My One And Only Personal Trainer And Beau Too
I have been thinking of going on gym training with a personal trainer. So I have been, more or less, keeping my eyes peeled for one as I do my rounds at the various Calif gyms. There are a couple I have spotted who seem worth working out with.

As I wasn't properly oriented to the environs and people yet (what with more problems now that I have to look for another place so I am kinda stressed) there were one or two dudes whom I have largely ignored or just casually chatted up. People like Jason and Jack.

Give me time and I will get round to it. Speaking up and getting to know them.

I have approached one personal trainer dude and I am still mulling over it. But he has a GF and I think I am giving him up. I am looking elsewhere for someone who is still single and available and gay of course. And there are plenty of them around. But One will be the one and only.

And girls who reveal their cleavage and butt or whatever, however sweet, pretty and petite you are, JUST DROP DEAD. I am NOT INTERESTED.

Gay And Singapore Culture
When you visit the gay cruising grounds (whoever you are - gay or bi), one culture prevails. That of INSTANT sexual gratification. Nobody talks or converses. And this repeats itself over and over again! Same people, same places.

This is insane.

All Singaporeans are like that. For some reason, nobody speaks. They always keep mum. They never speak the truth and what is really TRUE anyway.

Can you ever hope to hold a decent or honest conversation?

Gay Is Shit
Yeah I met loads of the shit everywhere I go. I have one personal theory to explain this. How gays/bis (wateva) can be worse than the average person.

Because they are ambivalent in their sexuality and have to mask it, they pretend to be ONE OF THE GUYS. To get along and to be ONE OF THE GUYS, they have to stand out even more, more pliant, more chummy, more macho, even MORE MAN.

You ARE SHIT after all.

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