Friday, March 16, 2007

Nutty Bloglets

Watch List
If we still think we are THE BEST and stagnate, we are gonna be pretty sorry. If Third Worlders and "developing countries" have developed in so many areas of their economy and country, we better know what is happening and "progress" right along with them, in the spirit of competition for investments.

Ma "New" And "Old" Places
Where I am now, the whole place is stuffy and hot as a baking oven. That is because it is blocked from view and wind on its front and behind by other apartment blocks. The air-cponditioner is dusty but I can't reach up to clean it as my bed is in the way.

I AM NOT moving it and risk soiling the bedsheet .

It doesn't help that the sliding windows of its hallway and my bedroom open out to the corridor. When moi showers, sleeps or for security and privacy reasons, I have to keep them shut.

No matter how you try opening them, there will always be that one or two panels which will keep moving air from ever coming in.

Contrast this with the casement type.

But you can't have this here, unless you wanna slam the windows open in the face of some passers-by or cause an obstruction especially if the passageway is straight and narrow.

Like this 34 year-old twin adjoining blocks. The corridors are so narrow, a 150 kg FAT BOY or MAN cannot even squeeze through. Let alone a GRAND PIANO.

But that single stand-alone curved block at the other far end had wider passageways. It is also unblocked and had such strong winds billowing, my short tousled hair is tossed about in a frenzy.

I just hope there won't be too much smoke or smog from the industrial park or temples, especially during festive prayer occassions.

Register/Sign Up, Connect And Log In (And Not Necessarily In That Order)
For all the WiFi Wireless outdoor surfing thingy, you certainly have to get the holy trinity above right.

It goes something like this: register/sign up for Wireless first, which you probably have to do at another PC terminal with INTERNET CONNECTION. If you are not even connected yet, how are you ever gonna fill up an online application form right?

Has anyone up there thought about this?

Then when you are at a hotspot, you are automatically connected (sometimes you have to find the network and manually connect) and you need to log in. EVERY TIME!

But over at McDonalds, you will have to connect to their global network, then sign up and log in.

I found myself getting into a webby which has some "INTERNET SECURITY CERTIFICATE" prompt and which if I chose "continue with this website anyway" which ISNT RECOMMENDED (as advised by the Mcdonalds' staff), I can sign up and log in.


Glare And Reflection In Open Areas

I have blogged about the kinda "hotspots" that have put moi in "hot soup".

McDonalds, with its enclosed kitchen within an air-cond environs, frying french fries, beef patties and hash browns in hot oil, can only mean the whole place reeks of greasy grime and fumes.

Just as the hostel where I stayed in Bangkok or the guesthouse in Tokyo. And connection is V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W.

Now Spinelli and Starbucks with their open areas are faster with their connection speed. But the sun glare renders my notebook screen blurry or invisible and even in darker areas, I can see my reflection in the screen and that makes for poor reading light.

Some smart optical physics bloke better fix this.

Real Time Info Please
Now that I have an electronic trading position, I have to keep tabs on my account which operates from 9am till 5pm.

I usually examine its high and its low and decide if it is near its low and thus a safer buy and wait bet.

Unfortunately the listing is a 52 week one. But is this a 52 week listing from January till December of every year or is it a 52 week listing from one date of a month in a year to the same date of the same month in another year?

I don't think what I see on screen is a real-time reflection of prices. Otherwise I will see the digits flicker and change every now and then, like the arrival and departure boards at our airports.

I have to refresh the screen every now and then.

Can we have real-time information so we can really really act FAST when it really really gets moving and going?

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