Monday, March 26, 2007

Wandering Star

Another Mental Asylum?
I have only been at Galen's for 11 days now. Apart from some of the housing woes I mentioned, the place is generally quite ok.

This estate is pretty old, but no where as old as the one moi has viewed.

It is almost like those years I spent during my primary and secondary school days in Toa Payoh. 13 years in all.

They still have that kinda old shophouses and the barbers.

There are all kinds of people living here too. Many foreigners. The poor, the sickos, the weirdoes, the psychos, the old, families, the subnormals, the bengs, the gangsta (unlike bishan which seems more like a middle-class kinda neighborhood) but in terms of environs, much better than the place I viewed, I reckoned.

At least there are the young because there are two secondary schools nearby (which does not include the one school for autistic kids). Shops, eateries and transport are all well catered for.

I need to mentally adjust myself here, to deal with the kinda people I see.

I Am A Bad Boy - I Am Hanging Out Late Into The Night
Add one more vice to my ever-growing list of deadly SINS : venturing off in the middle of the night to surf wireless at McDonalds.

Ok ok. So I committed a few semantic errors.

So what if I really meant non-teetotalling? You mean you NEVER spotted glaring mistakes in the "Straights Times" before. Like they never agree the verb with a singular noun?

Just so you don't know, "for sale" means selling while "on sale" means going for sale at a discount.

Yeah, sure, two late night wanderings did pop my eyes a little. But what does that spell for my sleeping future? Dopey, of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs fame, is on dope, you dope.

MyHands, Even My Legs, Are Tied.
I am just paraphrasing what the deputy principal of the international school refrained when she couldn't do a siingle darn thing about my teaching application.

I guess we both can duel in a bout of bondage fun, crossing our hands and legs, tying them up and weighting them to sink to the bottom of the deep blue sea.

I can't do a thing now. I can just wait, wait and wait. For things to happen. I have done all I can do.

What's holding me back is JUST FUNDS......lots and lots of funds. That space in the sky in Bangkok is still beckoning to me.

If this old/new estate isn't gonna be en-bloced, I am never buying it. That means more funds to look for another place.

Truth of the matter is, I can't place an order entry for a tradng position. The queue runs into the millions and like everyone else I MUST WAIT.

High Noon Gymming
This reporter is absolutely right.

Gymming at Calif, especially at the GAY GAY one, I can feel the kinda crowd who hangs out here. Very uneasy feeling.

There are those soft, sissy types who indulge in gossip and those beefed-up and aloof ones.

Most are body beautiful but so unreachable and untalkable.

Yes, I left my locker locked for two nights and on the last day, my padlock had been picked and wiped out.

Isn't this kinda scary and tells you a bit of what kind of place THIS IS?

I think I am auctioning off my membership. Any takers?

Superman Has Been Lying Low If You Must Know But Calif And HP Bears Ain't
I am as VULNERABLE as anyone else. I have never claimed to be SUPERMAn, nor have I laid claim to being a TUA TOWKAY (like that old maidy bitch "educator" of my alma mater so sarcastically put across).


In place of Superman, I have my big Calif Bear babysitting small brown HP bear.

Such a lovely duo and O so cutesy!

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