Monday, March 26, 2007

Psycho-Socio & Economic BULLSHIT

I think I understated it when I mentioned "all those nuts living about the rented places".

Those were not "rented places". They were mental asylums.

Moi's life is IN A COMPLETE WHIRL. I have not only got addicted to chain-smoking, I have just taken to, YOU GUESS IT, teetotalling.

It started with just two cans which filled two mugs of TIGER BEER, at one of Bishan's many, many, many round-the-clock kopi-tiams.

In fact if I had kept count correctly, my drinking BINGE had already got rolling when moi took on a pint of Heineken at the escort service and at the go-g0 bar back in Bangkok.

I am sure the government and the community are O so happy now.

Just as proof of how ACADEMIC STUDIES of the psycho-socio economic world can be so off the mark from REALITY, they actually did a survey on why people pick up smoking and got hooked for life!

Do all those old, bengish and seemingly not-so-educated (read: no paper credentials but who may, if given A FIGHTING CHANCE, ACTUALLY PERFORM), even the young, who hang out at the coffee-shops and the community libraries ALL THE TIME say anything at all?

Does anyone WHO IS UNGAINFULLY EMPLOYED and now mendicating out on the streets care for SIGMUND FREUD's BIG PHALLUS-ANAL-RETENTIVE BIG NAME but small on workability THEORIES?

Do all the yakkers UP THERE even begin to understand that with ALL YOUR HOT-AIR debates and with each passing minute, each passing day and each passing week someone is shivering in the street cold, hungry and forsaken?

If Oliver Twist dies from a SNOWSTORM, it is gonna be on your conscience.


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