Thursday, March 29, 2007

Green Diamond Awards

SomeOne Is Living My Dream
Did you read today's edition of "The Straights Times"?

Treetops@Punggol is exactly what I envision for EnBlocMyHome@TheNatureReserve.

Unfortunately Punggol is at the remote end of Singapore and going places is a bit of a hassle. I can imagine the loft with its uber high ceiling and that open terrace.

But has it got the interior design and layout that match what I have seen at ma new old place. It has a nice corridor balcony shared only by two home dwellers. Very exclusive.

Should this place be en-bloc to the site I envisage, it will have more going for it. A park lined with trees will buffer those flats from the busy thoroughfare. In fact the flats will be built away from the road. To ensure everyone has a view of the reserve, they can build the flats above ground like at Cairnhill.

With McDonalds@TheNatureReserve and TheLibrary@TheNatureReserve , the whole living concept just got better.

Let it be the second showcase of "green living" except that this borders on a nature reserve so green, it can't go any greener. And be prepared for the Green Diamonds Award.

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