Saturday, July 05, 2008

Blood Season: Fall (Shouldn't We Be More Like Them)

Asian Chinese - Please Awake And Unite As One And Bring All Of Us Up To Par With One Another (Be It Mannerisms Or Communication)
I lay awoke one weekday morning and just couldn't get to sleep.

I was thinking how very sad it is for Singaporean Chinese being not able to identify with the China Chinese. Especially since most of our ancenstral roots could be traced back there. Well, my mother is China-born and I must admit I can't get along very well with her.

I am pretty sure the same thought goes for the Malaysian Chinese, the Indonesian Chinese and anywhere else the Chinese diaspora has chosen to set up their homes.

While I was in Beijing, I thought the Chinese guys look super hot. From the dudes working out at Calif to the chaffeur for our GREAT WALL climb and even the RED GUARDS.

Back here in Singapore where they can be found in the retail and food and beverage sectors and yes the STUDENTS, some of them ARE NOT only SUPER HOT, they have FLAWLESS, SPOTLESS and PURE MILK WHITE complexion that make them look like they were male versions of SNOW WHITE, only prettier and masculiner.

Does that explain the jealousy in some quarters?

Of course we all know the reasons why we are so different. The developing and developed status between our two nations. The primarily dominant English language-based and Western-influenced education we teach here and the pervasive influence of the Hollywood media.

I mean how many Chinese variety shows or movies do we screen here except for those coming from Korea, Hongkong and Taiwan? Even then, what kinda themes do they revolve around? Very Western-influenced ones, no?

So how can we hate the Chinese? I mean the hot Chinese boys and men.

And guess who we should thank for all this?

Singapore Is A "Rich" Country So We Must Let The "Poor" Countries Benefit From Us
It does seem like our second-hand goods and throwaways are benefitting Third Worlders.

It is ironic that there are usually no free goodies for our own people. Some of us take up some kinda loan or credit just to buy that PC for our kids. And to keep up with technology, we do change our PCs ever so often, don't we? Like we do our mobiles?

Ironic that our "second-hand" (if it may even be called that) goods and throwaways are then usually spruced up, shipped out and recycled for use in some Third World countries.

Sometimes as a gift of charity. Other times resold at a profit for the trader but at still a competitive price to the consumer (certainly at a cheaper price than ours, I am sure).

We are not the winners here for sure!

Think: Liz (maid of fat bloke Raymond) probably owns a piece of land back home in Bali where she hails from. Here we are living on leasehold and for the majority of us, you can forget about owning landed property.

While some of Singapore are feeding off our land, enriching themselves and burping (money that will last them a few generations), the rest of us can only wonder if the little windfall we have will even last us this lifetime.

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