Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Potty Pot

All-New Format And Layout Of Moi's Blogs
How do you like the all-new format of my blogs? Snazzier and colored environmentally green exuding a pleasing cool effect that is easy on the eyes.

I thought it could do with a video bar and a slide-show side panel to liven up the layout but please ignore the "LASIK" ad, it somehow came with the add-ons for changing the format.

Fair And Square?
Yes the opposition has to be kept on its toes too.

Thinking back, if the opposition should win an election, that probably is the easy part.

The harder and more difficult part would be to tackle the awesome political machinery on the ground from its town council to its grassroots. Not to speak of a lack of manpower resources and funding. Look at how opposition wards are neglected in upgrading works.

And what's more, our opposition is only entrenched in two single-member wards, not GRCs.

So that is fair I suppose?

Last Insult On Top Of Injury
First our jobs, then our homes and now, our bodily organs and possibly body parts!

Foreigners take them all, don't they?

And What A Life It Is!
Yes we are all given a life, apparently under the kind hospitality of the"manna from heaven" banner of the state and what a life it is!

I mean look at all the work-life balance talk that is going on recently! What does that show?

And when we reach the end of our lives, don't they get taken away by HOTA?

That is life?

Drafts And Not Final Copies
Look, I have said it before and I will say it again. Most of my blogs here are draft copies.

Moi hasn't got the benefit of an editor (namely himself) because he just has too many things to say.

When moi does re-read some of his blogs after sleeping on them, he knows instinctively that language and grammar can be improved, choice of words, new ideas and the phrasing of certain sentences.

So read if you want to and leave it alone if you don't.

Wei Zhao And I Are Native Singaporean Chinese
Wei Zhao and I will probably be similar on most counts based on the kinda background we hail from.

We are the next generation after all and I hope he won't feel the disconnect as much as I do with the kinda Western influences here and the kinda education and "assimilated hotch potch of culture" we have here.

I hope he knows who he really is at the end of it all because I am still trying to figure myself out.

"Nothing Is Perfect" - A No Brainer "Perfect" Excuse For Imperfections
To put a final end to this cliche that has been tossed up as the "perfect" excuse for absolving lamers who commit glaring public mistakes that have resounding repercussions on many (compare that with private mistakes that moi makes that only impacts himself and no one else), I wanna say this:

Why then is there perfect SAT scores or sterling straight "A"s demanded for academic results?

Would you gulp down a bottled drink laced with 0.1% cyanide which is after all not a "perfect" drink?

0.1% is lethal enough and it kills, no?

Heaven forbids, cyanide is actually the kinda toxic ingredient in some fumigation and rat poisons and its dissolution effects in water and intoxication are well known.

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