Monday, July 14, 2008

More Of HOTA (Devil's Advocation?)

So How Is This New Place Going, Dude? Oo, You Mean You Actually Care?
The reason I picked this place here is because I knew I was gonna have that eye op and needed long and good recuperation.

This place offered moi that. It is spacy and cozy and fully air-conditioned which offered much needed respite from the hot and dry summer heat (have you noticed it is no longer so humid here).

At last I could get most of my stuff out of the luggages. They have been hiding inside far too long. Sometimes to the extent that I can't remember if I possess this or that and I buy duplicates or triplicates or quadriplicates even of a same item. Like umbrellas and wallets and three-pin plug keys.

There are just three of us quiet and well-behaved tenants.

Since I had that eye op, I felt there was no more difference if I added on a laser procedure as well. I was hesitating over the latter but hey, what is laser compared to phaco right?

If my windows are opened, I know it is hot and noisy outside. This place faces a busy thoroughfare and with a school right in front and a few bus services plying it, this part of the estate can get congested during peak hours.

At other times it is quiet.

Because We Are Independent With No Dependants, We Have To Depend On Ourselves - Get It?
I just found the most precise and winning argument for the case of singles with apparently no dependants.

That is exactly it. If you have dependants, you can depend on them when you become dependent yourself.

For us, because we have no dependants, we have to depend on ourselves. So we must be in good health and in totality to take good care of ourselves.

So no part of me is going into anyone without making me less independent and self-reliant.

At the end of the day, I have to take care of myself.

More Of The Human Organ Transplant Act
According to the Human Organ Transplant Act, all citizens and permanent residents (except Muslims unless they will it as a gift voluntarily but this looks set to change with MOH relooking this) aged between 21 and 60 will have their organs removed upon death unless he/she registers an objection.

Yes, that means you, you and you dudes, we are all vulnerable under this Act except grandma and grandpa (ok ok sometimes mama and papa)

So all of us are vulnerable to this Act.

The few questions to ask are:

(1) Who gets to get our organs?

I am not gonna will it to the likes of Punk and his gang. They are so undeserving. Look at some of our ethnic friends here in this estate. Mostly well-behaved and non-riotous. They do not disturb the peace of their neighbors in public spaces.

Remember also that foreigners are precluded from having their organs removed upon death, so how can they be getting our organs.

I have met foreigners at this hospital and besides that Malaysian woman, there was this Pakistani woman with her hubby and kids in tow seeking corneal treatment.

She will most likely be a priority candidate for a transplant but can her identity and true marital status and relationship with the kids in tow be established, coming as she does from a thuggish Third World?

And yes my doc is in charge of cornea services, whatever that means, and I can only put two and two together.


Sob, sob, sob, my cornea is missing!!!!!!!!!

Come to think of it, what about LASIK?

Oo so that is but a corneal flap (if I allude that to an envelope and given that emails are so preponderant these days, the kids prolly won't know what it is) but in certain other kinds of LASIK, just the epithelium with regenerative abilities is removed.

That certainly can be transplanted, no? Have you thought of that?

(2) what kinda monetary transactions are involved (if any) and who are the beneficiaries of this money (if any)? if at least my organs are removed, shouldn't my kins (upon death) or myself (as a willing living donor) be the firsts to benefit if there were money involved?

(3) Yes, if I had signed some of those papers on the day of the op and I didn't read them and had unwittingly consented to any living donor organ transplant (fuck you and you are maiming moi now), that would be a fraud, a duress or an undue influence (fuck you again).

Singaporeans (that includes PRs), this involves all of us.

Our precious bodily parts are being willed and we wanna know to who and if there are any monetary transactions going on.

And the much sought after organs are namely the kidney, the heart, the liver and the cornea.So look after these organs well, will you?

Get it?

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