Sunday, July 13, 2008

Human Organ Sale, Some Asides And Our Only Hope Left

Your Bodily Organs Are Now Priced (Oops, I Mean Prized)
Singaporeans have to wake up to the fact that their bodily organs now carry a price tag upon death.

They have to ask who is benefitting from these organs and at what price. And who gets what money.

We should all sincerely hope that there isn't already a black market racket under the cloak of secrecy and dark (what with the recent publicity of a kidney sale) going on but even with a legally operable Human Organ Act in place, that everything is aboveboard and all the above are observed.

Wearing Sun-Shades Indoors And At Night! How Would You Feel?
I seriously regret mentioning I had sun-glare related visual problems when I had cataract especially when I am outdoors. I mean that can easily be rectified with a pair of polarised (or not) sun-shades rather than a pair permanently.

I thought the experts would be wiser but I can be wrong.

Imagine coping with wearing sun-shades indoors and I am not sure if that contributed to the fuzz at night even more.

Supreme Council Of Checks And Balances Or An Omniscient OmniPresent Ombudsman/men (To Investigate Private And Public Corporations And Services)
If the legislature (yes that includes NMPs and both the opposition and proposition parties) has done their work more thoroughly and aimed to be more questioning and representative in the first place, I guess a Supreme Council made up of truly neutral and not pro-estab members, to vet and check further policies and what-nots that get filtered down to the populace may not have been necessary.

As it is, we should then have one.

Because a system of governance based on caveat emptors and disclosures (or non-disclosures) ain't no working no more in a world of corporate greed and commercialisation.

Otherwise we are all in grave danger.

Human Organs For Sale
If I were to play devil's advocate, how can I be sure that there wasn't something going on and that my lens wasn't infected with cataract and that there was a conspiracy for a human organ transplant of my cornea or my eye lens?

The perpetrators could be anybody and we know the kinda links and associations among one organisation to another.

Just playing devil's advocate.

In a world of ours where the Gaddafi Institute is welcomed onboard our shores and our business association with Kazakhstan, a country tagged "Thuggish Capitalism", just to name two, these third worlders are enriched back home with their type of businesses and resources, how do we know?

Once again Singaporeans, our human organs are being transacted for money and the benefit of rich Third Worlders.

Who Knows Who She Is And Up To
The circumstances under which I met this Malaysian woman who is certainly rich are highly suspicious.

She claims to be a mother of two but I know she is a rich tai-tai and had many failed cornea transplants.

All she needs is money and a sob story to win the hearts of her supporters and get a ride on a human organ transplant.

If so, moi's whatever inside her will never fit her. There will be a massive rejection and she will die soon after.

This is my curse to all who try to harm moi. From Doray to FatBloke to Liz and now this woman and all else out there.

Not From A Living Donor, You Don't, Especially If He Does Not Know - That Will Be Theft Or Cheating When He Signed Something He Has Not Read
If organs are from dead donors, it is relatively ok. Even then I am sure we wanna know who benefits from what. Especially the money part.

Living donors, that is another issue altogether.

We cannot purport that just because someone is single and has no dependants that he/she has to give to someone who does. Certainly not from a living donor.

Unless it is a willing donor. Not a living donor who is not in the know. That would be theft.

Everyone is equally entitled to the same kinda living standard and quality of living. You can't save one and maim the other.

Get this fuckingly right, people!

Two Asides
Our Fumigators
Now I have blogged before about how the fumigation works that are being carried out and with the kinda fuming fumes we may just be harming ourselves more than to kill the intended pests.

Having observed how the foreign workers execute their work, I can now understand why. While walking from refuse chute to refuse chute, I notice the fumes are still being let off.

I suggest that they open the chutes, stuff the fumigator inside and fume as long and as much as they can. Then shut it tight, close off the fumigator completely and proceed to the next chute. That way, less fumes escape to the surroundings and attack uintended targets like us humans.

As for drains, spray the liquid into the gutters and not on the drain covers or allow any leak onto the surface floor. That way, no slip-ups for us humans again.

Finally other alternatives like poision pellets or non-slip spray liquids can be explored rather than just the fumy fumes we have now.

Our GrassCutters
So many grass cutters for one small lawn, namely our stadia. Sounds like redundancy.

Does it mean that just because employing them is cheap, we employ as many as we can but the workload actually does not warrant it? Pretty similar to those Chinese Nationals tending to customers at the cafe I ran into. Half the time redundant.

Anyway these same grass cutters leave behind oil and grease wherever they choose to refuel or rest, usually on the stadia's steps (not to mention dirtying the whole place).

I suggest a couple of work stations to refuel, rest spots for them to rest and washing portals to clean and wash up reserved for them to do all of the above and not just anywhere and everywhere.

Plus the cleaners are gonna have a tough time cleaning up after them when they choose to visit the loos and anywhere they choose to leave their imprints. All that mud, soil, grass and grease.

Not to mention possible slip-ups for us humans.

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