Monday, July 28, 2008

Foreign "Talents" Indeed And Other Issues

Native (As In Those Who Are Schooled Well) Versus Naturalised Singaporeans
If there should be any foreign power conspiracy, I think it boils down to this.

We all know it first started with our foreign talents from across the causeway who caused a stir with what the womenfolk were doing.

Now it seems that the Chinese are accused of similar offences except that they were of a more heinous nature?

I think if we do a tally, all the foreign women and gay sluts are not absolved.

First I have written about the appallingly low standards of audit and accounting in many of the one-man and even the partnership outfits. They were employing many, many, many of our neigboring foreign talents who can't speak a word of good English and we know how 'audit' as the word is seriously meant to mean is a mere lip service for piles of paper work.

And yes some are neighboring foreign talent owned too.

Then I spotted our neighboring foreign talented women dolls with faces painted like witches "working" in the re-insurance firm moi was working in.

I see more of them as home-makers when moi was home-tutoring and guess what, one of their daughters was a BIG TIME trouble-maker both in school and outside. The way this home-maker conducted herself at moi's home (hanging her feet up on a coffee table) was no better than a Chinese home-maker who did the same.

Fatbloke's place saw our neighboring foreign talent instigating Chinese tenant Peng to commit atrocities in the home like washing his shoes in the washer (maybe that explains how it broke down) and using up the washing detergent.

I won't be surprised that my ex-tenant who is a Chinese and whose classmate is a Malaysian was similarly instigated.

By the way, Fatbloke (maybe he is a Malaysian naturalised citizen or just a Geylang born, country bumpkin Singaporean poker ) was the only rude fatass who would dare walk into moi's room right up to the window to peer out while the rest would just take a peek outside the thrown wide-open doors while moi was still sitting inside.

What about all those loud Filipina and Indonesian maids?

And look at all the small companies like seamstressing. Usually our neighboring foreign talent who employs another foreigner like a Chinese or Indonesian. Or of foreign-operated cinemas who employ foreign ushers?

What employment opportunities for native Singaporeans? How many native Singaporeans helming schools, commerce (opti shops, food, hair and beauty, just to name a few) , the medical corps (nurses and doctors) , our media , our security services (auxillary policing and Prison) and our top local corporations (shipping and air to name just two)?

Do they measure up? Are they of quality? Look at how our media is going. The kinda blogs being promoted. Who are the people writing the pro-Estab and totally mindless analyses?

To the Chinese credit (you can fault them for being brutish, crude, loud, etc, etc) but they are serious-minded, have the smarts and are very diligent. Not dwelling on frivolity like the way we have become - Hollywood style.

We are doomed, my native Singaporean counrtymen. We are in grave danger!

The True Blue Singaporeans
Let me define native Singaporeans as those who have been schooled well (meaning not necessarily to a higher education but who have been instilled some basic sense of right and wrong, good and bad) and home-schooled well (meaning the kinda upbringing at home)

Stranger Than Strange
Let me relate to you the strange coincidences after my eye op. I had wanted to pick a Tuesday for a review but was told that that was an extremely busy day. So moi picked another day.

Much later because of the lasering after-effects of my skin, I had to reschedule that back to a Tuesday.

The doc I picked for my op wasn't the doc I wanted in the first place. I had no choice but to pick his lieutenant. Guess what, that was the same day my first-choice doc was consulting and that was how I met those rich Third Worlders coming here for their cornea transplants!

And that was how all those pieces of jigsaw puzzles clicked into place!

X Files-The Movie Bears Out Other Scenarios If Human Organs Trading Is Legalised
Holy Tornado shit! I wasn't expecting this movie to be filming about human organs transplant, not after what has happened to moi and with the wider considerations to extend HOTA here in Singapore.

What was missing in the movie was just that eerie music that characterises the movie! It just wasn't playing long and loud enough!

This movie was more than human organs transplant! It was about body snatching while the victims are still alive, butchering them and grafting their body parts on another sickly but live recipient. Far-fetched now but maybe not so in the near future?

More Questions To Ask Ourselves About HOTA Or Human Organs Trading
But does that not throw up scenarios of abduction or killing of live victims just to steal and sell their body parts or organs, let alone dead ones?

If minimally invasive technology is now already here, perhaps keyhole surgical after-marks are not so discernible even if larger organs like the kidney, heart or liver is stolen?

While we are at it, you mean even our bodily organs are willed to the state? We don't even have a say or control over our body anymore? How can we be sure should the Act in future encompass older than 60 cadaveric organs that it will also not cast the net wider for those under 21?

If this is not already happening and if those listed organs are the only ones coveted? I am sure spinal or lumbar parts are just as prized for stem cell research or experiment?

The Book Of Revelation - Three Sex-Starved Women On The Prowl
I have only seen the poster with a naked dude mauled by three "hoodlums" (hooded personae). Thinking that it was a biblical armaggedon kinda movie with three male angels carrying away a virgin man to heaven, I went to watch it.

Whoa! Was I ever sorry!

As it turned out, the hoodlums were sadistic oversexed women who tortured this young virgin man for 12 days and then released him.

It was a sick show especially when he was deemed a lucky guy by the police when he tried to file a police report. So much for equality of the sexes again! When that happens to a woman and she files a report, it is considered "rape".

So what if the guy doesn't dig women like that or women for that matter and feels this has defiled him?

As it is, it left him psychologically scarred and his sexual attitude changed towards women! Sexual violence that is!

When he thought he had tracked down one of his female sex-act perpetrators and was tearing her clothes up just to glimpse that tattoo on her breast for identification, this was considered sexual violence against a woman!

Utter hypocrisy and discrimintion is all I can say!

Slipping Straight Acts Into Gay Porn Or Literature
And it is utterly insiduous too that straight acts have been slipped into gay porn. I watched only because it was integral to the whole gay porn act and the guys were hot!

Just as I noticed some men's magazines are not really men's magazines anymore! There are just one too many women inside the glossy pages and I think the newsstand has enough of girly magazines with so many nude and almost nude photos of women!

So I have stopped reading them save for one!

A Replay Of Hot Jap Porn And I Know What You Are Up To
And I know I was in exactly the kinda public bus scenario as in the Jap porn (ok so it was chartered and the commuteres were really their staff but this bus really went round public places and on the roads too) when two dudes were beside me.

And more strange coincidences! The father in a family to view this place being sold turn out to be the cab driver moi flagged down the next day on moi's way for a room hunt and he lived just round the corner!

More than coincidental? You bet!

O Women, Please! Equality Just Isn't Equality Is It?
And let me explain what I meant by sex-starved older women the last time.

I have seen a couple of women at least into their 50s and 60s showing so much cleavage and navel, it is disgusting enough with the younger ones doing the same! And young boys were staring mesmeried.

Sometimes these attract the foreign workers, not the locals. So good luck to you if you do not invite some kinda sexual assault sooner than later!

I even spotted one old woman wearing a hat and her breasts were all exposed in a robe roaming the grounds in the morning and whom the neighborhood nick-name "Fong Fei Fei". And many foreign Chinese workers were boarding there!

And those laser-skin patients were exactly that kinda age! I would not have bothered, would not do the cruising rounds at clubs or anywhere and would have killed myself at that age!

Not to mention a woman actually removed her bra-strap and expose her breast while sun tanning at the swim pool.

If the guys did it, it would have been indecent exposure!

Will Someone Lead Asia To Be Truly Asian In Our Ways And Protocols?
When I called for Asian Chinese to unite, I include the Koreans and the Japanese too! They should think of us as being more like them.

Look at how all Asians are Westernised? I think we grew up learning the piano and guitar more than we do the chinese musical instruments like the er-hu?

What's more our dressing right?

I don't even identify with Chinese opera at all but I can still enjoy Chinese musical instruments, dances, dramas, music (both Chinese pop and traditional) and yes acrobatic acts and pugilistic displays. Yes those period dramas!

That is all that is left of Chinese culture!

Everything else is Western inspired themes or influences!

I mean I value Western kinda communication, open-ness, politeness, civility and so on. So these are traits we can pick up?

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