Thursday, July 17, 2008

Do You Exactly Know What "Evolution" Means? And How Gayism UnWittingly Got Entangled With Politics (Thank You Statutes 217/218 and 377A)

Both Natural And Man-Made Evolutions Need Natural Or Human Engineering
Of course, you wouldn't expect a Doctor Of laws to be deft at a Doctor Of Medical Science affairs now, would you?

Don't even speak of "evolution", a term that had been bandied about when Penal Code 377A was put up for a repeal and most recently when Singapore's political system, namely a Westminster parliamentary democracy (you mean it isn't even liberal, participatory or even representative ? Oo and I thought we were way ahead of our time), was called into question (that would be Parliamentary Acts 217/218).

Being the educator that I think I am (Oo even that is now called into question?), I thought it falls squarely upon my shoulders to at least try and point out to all who care to read what this term actually means. So brace yourself as I ramble on.

First we have to draw parallels between natural and artificial evolution.

Natural evolution just does NOT evolve on its own just like that. This is contrary to popular folklore and old wives' tales perpetuated by the media and some parliamentarians.

It is like hoping an 85 year old can erect on seeing a cute young of-age naked boy changing at the changing room of, let's say a condominium's swim pool? This 85 year old (thank god, he gets to have his human organs totally intact when he dies) probably needs pornography.

You know, a portable Sony playstation, a couple of hot Japanese pornography discs and he is on his way. His way to hell and death because at that age and with all that excitement upon both watching the of-age naked boy and the porn on his player, he would most likely suffer a massive congestive heart failure that needs a triple bypass plus angioplasty (no silly, not those Mac balloons they hand out to kids on festive occasions)

That means natural evolution needs a trigger. A catalyst. Sort of like an invisible hand.

To the religious, that would be GOD.To evolutionists, that would be some catalytic triggers like the climate or maybe even the presence of predators for the preys to "evolve" their defence mechanisms.

Remember how animals got thick furs on their skin? When it was the cold climatic conditions of their habitats that triggered the evolution of those hairs, ain't it?

Or how some got spikes on their backs? Or how some started climbing trees to escape their predators on land?

Oh whoa! Moi has digressed far too far off the point now, hasn't moi?

Ok ok ok. Cutting a long grandfather's tale short, the same parallel goes for what's more an artificial or man-made evolution. In the very first place, some statutes aren't even natural right as in the "natural" sense of the word as we know it.

It is drawn by man, no? Arbitrarily, upon their whims and fancies and upon conditions prevailing at that time.

In fact for it to ever hope to artificially "evolve" (and look at those two Acts of ours, haven't they "evolved" suficiently thus far), humans tamper and tinker with them. Rewrite and redraw the boundaries. In other words, human engineering.

Therefore, humans are needed to "evolve" artificial "evolution".

That means conditions have to change. Gay humans have to be elected to parliament, more opposition, more of the proposition speaking up and parliament becomes truly participatory, representative and liberal right?

HereIn Lies The Conudrum Where Gays UnWittingly Got Entangled With Politics
Note my last paragraph in the above section. This is very important.

Gays became anti-state (gays like me anyway) because the state's laws like Penal Code 377A are anti-gays.

To change the laws, they have to side with the opposition. Any opposition. So gays become even more anti-state because Parliamentary Acts 217/218 are anti-opposition.

Oh GOD! Look how far gays have spiralled downwards! From anti Penal Code 377A to anti Parliamentary Acts 217/218. What next? Anti Constitution? Yea that must just be the final piece in a jigsaw puzzle.

To change the prevailing conditions, gays and their gayism have to be more visible mainstream. Gay fashion, magazines (nude men mags like in Taiwan are allowed), organisations, lifestyles (holding hands, occasional kissing, marriages) parades (another Act for public assembly) and education (respect for gays like in Taiwan, Hongkong and Japan).

Are these allowed to flourish here? No.

To confound the conumdrum further, to ever hope for conditions to change and to humanly engineer that change in parliament, we need gay or at least gay-friendly parliamentarians.

Gay parliamentarians and gay-friendly parliamentarians may be granted all the privileges and immunities of speaking and debating on gay laws within the precinct of parliament, but what if the Penal Code kicks in within what is termed the privacy of 'consenting' adults (later that guy snitches or he is bisexual or straight or he isn't the definition of an adult - 18 years or older) outside Parliament.

A public shame for a private act. Will gays or gay-friendly personae (here meaning bisexuals) wanna be voted into Parliament? Sounds like an Anwar Ibrahim sodomy case!

But where are all the gay friendly parliamentarians (meaning all the rest)? Are they speaking up for us and changing the rules for us? No.

Some public assembly acts have to change, then the Constitution (granting equality and non-discrimination) and finally Penal Code 377A.

The rest will follow like marriages, partnerships and so on. But given the pro-birth and marriage stance here, these are unlikely. If the elites are really elites as they claim (I laugh derisively here), short of allowing polygamy and incest they can reproduce all the numbers we need though this is unhealthy for genetic variety.

Imagine far too many clones of one kinda "elite" running around Singapore! Enough is enough!

I hate girls too much and I know I can't live with them, their character, their sex organs and I am sure so do the rest but they are just masking it. And to mask a sexuality is just cowardly and deceitful. You just breed more mistrust and I won't ever vote for the likes of FatBloke into any organisational hierarchy, would you?

Another downward spiral again! Parliamentary Acts 217/218 have to "evolve"

The answer lies in giving space to gays and all your other pro-birth and pro-marriage stances can carry on without being affected. Good immigration is the next best answer, not the kind we are seeing now.

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