Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fuming Fumigators, Oakleys On The Faces Of Staffed Porn Actors, Scary Tit-For-Tat Vile Acts, Hollywood Comes To Singapore And Who Gets What

Erectus Erratum
Oh my God!

This is like the third time I am uttering this! Fact is when I looked back to my blog, I actually said to "stuff the fumigator" into the refuse chute.

Gosh! I mean this fumigator to be an "object" noun. I was referring to the fumigaing tool, not the person.

But chewing on it more, it is pehaps not too bad an idea?

The fumigator ("person" noun) can crawl into the chute, shut it after him, fumigate as long and as much as possible, close off the fumigator ("object" noun) completely, crawl back out, shut the chute and.........

I note the look of total disbelief and disgust at this suggestion?

Safety and health concerns on the part of the fumigator ("person" noun)?

Can he don a space suit then? The kind our astronauts put on, covered from head to toe and masked?


Moi digresses...........

My Word! You Wear Oakleys Too?
In between blogging and recuperating these days, moi also gets to feast his eyes on hot dudes out on the field kicking a soccer ball or going about their physical education lessons that range from frisbee to rugby.

Oh yea!

Hot jap porn! And you know what, I really hate the "Scout Caravan" kind. Really boring, utterly solo and one too many long interviews.

But I like the rest with a daring change of scenarios from public transport to open outfields to public lavatories and almost all the staffed porn actors wear Oakleys!

Hot, hot, hot! Well......most are!

Whoa! You Can't Take Criticisms Very Well, Can You? Attitudinal?
You know what, I am beginning to think some of our leadership has problems coping with constructive or legitimate critiscisms and they show this by being vindictive.

Just a few examples.

Someone complains it is too hot and they turn up the air-conditioner way too cold and then vice versa for complaints about it being too cold. In other words, they swing between extremes when something lukewarm between hot and cold would be just nice.

Another example. Complaints against (usually) kids kicking soccerballs in void decks. Yes they do pose dangers to passers-by and the prints they leave on the walls are not the best of artistic murals?

So what do they do? They hang up numerous hooks on the upper walls, so many, they look like hooks for sado-macho acts, you know the kind featured on Jap porns where the masochist is hung spread eagle on a wall and despicable but hot sexy sex acts are performed on him?

Seemingly this is in the hope that footballers would puncture their soccer balls that way?

Whoa! Absolutely scary and vindictive!

I suppose the next time anyone complains about the quality of public service and they start up an ombudsman?

Hollywood Movies Come To Town - Now Showing At A Hospital Near You
Remember those tomb raiders scouring cemeteries and even royal burial grounds like in Egypt? Remember that Hollywood movie "Body Snatchers"? And you thought it happens only in Hollywood movies right?

Really scary now, isn't it that it may actually be happening at a hospital near you and while you are still ALIVE!

Pray that while you lie subconsciously or unconsciously on the operating theatre table that you don't wake up with a slit scar down your hip or a slash across your left pectorals!

Your kidney or heart may just have gone missing! But if it is your cornea, there just isn't a single trail for you to know if it is missing!

Need I say more?

Who Are The Priority Candidates Or Just Who Get To Get Our Organs Upon Death And Who Gets What
That brings me to conclude my blog for today by asking: "We all wanna know what kinda priority is accorded to who in awarding our prized (priced?) human organs to a donor recipient.

Is priority based on wealth? Connection? Status? Needs? What?

In all fairness since everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, no one religious group should be exempted even on religious ground.

I can't be donating mine to one when he can't donate his to me or to another!

I think we wanna have a say in who gets our organs and who benefits from what upon death. I would rather they be preserved for my kinship or something and not to a total stranger or worse enriching someone else in a organ-for-sale transaction at my expense.

And certainly for a living donor, consent (I can't pay for an op and on top of that, I get a body part stolen for cash ) and absolute assurance that he doesn't get maimed in the process or be less than perfect that he usually is.

We really have to look into this!

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