Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Don't Think I Don't Know

Intrigue, Lies And Shady Workings Right Here Among The Gay/Bisexual Community
There is more intrigue where moi is holing up here.

First, our little hot masseur of an owner (yes, he has many clients coming in and out of his house of all ages and walks of life, I will NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIM except strictly as a tenant) is seling his house.

I am not sure if this is a show as he claims he is engaging a real estate agent who is a relative and going by the kinda "buyers" who turn up, I am not sure if they are just friends of the agent's or friends of his.

Now agents are not favorites of mine and I know there are a couple whom I have engaged before who must be pretty jealous of moi's ownership of my previous place. Envious because they know that place commands a good price.

They must be in together with this circle of the gay community who is staging a show. To purposely drive moi out of this place. A pretence of selling the place because I spilled the beans on Mr FatBloke and BullDog and one agent contracted didn't get to sell my place the last time.

Strangely fat bloke Raymond is among the people who came down to view the place.

And since our hot little massuer of an owner is a masseur, I know he must be actively moving around the gay circle and community (while I don't) and fat bloke Raymond is probably a former and present client as well.

By the way fat bloke Raymond wanna moralise about going to saunas while here he is, married, unhappy and at one time filing for a divorce, indulging in gay sex on the side. Oh, he did mention he was born in Geylang, home to prostitutes and drug smugglers.

I won't be surprised that he is in fact the brother of Daniel, Mr BullDog and they are running a sauna which is ONE I have shunned and will shun forever. Because his cheque has an address which is in the vicinity of the area.

After all, they share the same surname and do bear some resemblance.

And BullDog has mentioned time and again the last time about massages and his sauna, promoting and selling it to all potential customers and guess what, they are probably courting customers like Chinese student Peng and Malaysian hotel employee Ken. Maybe they are part-timing or working at the sauna for them, not a student or an employee here as they both claim to be.

Probably the Myanmese is too. It is too much of a coincidence that Peninsula Plaza is so near the location of the men's clubs for Kyaw not to be privy to gay clubs in the area. He doesn't look too straight if you ask me. Maybe Mr FatBloke is corrupting him and making him spend his money at his club.

And maybe all three purported tenants and ex-tenant are really employees being housed at Raymond's and they are sponsored and brought in by Mr Fat Bloke and BullDog, joint owners of the gay sauna. Plus a couple of other owners. Yes FatBloke's wife, M/s ChinaDoll is probably in on this, doing agency work, bringing in all these foreign guest workers for the sex industry.

They are all inter-connected I am sure. Fat Bloke's neighbors may be friends of his and co-owners of the gay joint. Who knows?

Nothing can be so coincidental. Nothing is so simple.

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