Tuesday, July 15, 2008

So Many Checks But Yielding So Little Efficacy (Updated)

Body Snatchers?
Oh my God!

A parliamentarian in a group representation constituency has passed away. The first thought that struck moi was: Oh my God (again?)! He is just a year or two shy of being above 60, so what is gonna happen to his body parts?

The same thought struck moi over the sailor who keeled over on his sailboat. What needless tragedy to repeat itself again right after the dragonboat drowning episode!

All those body parts! I hope nobody is stealing them or at least the families aren't too grievous to know what they should rightfully be knowing !

I correct myself : I will only die at age 60 years and 1 second after midnight past the day of my 60th birthday, nothing lesser.

And I will repeat this again: By virtue of my singlehood means I have no dependants (seemingly so), while those who do, can surely at least hope to depend on their dependants should they turn dependant.

That means I have to ensure I am in good health, in totality and not be a liability to others and myself so I can depend on myself in future.

The day I become dependant is the day I kill myself, get it?

A By-Election Is A Foregone (Meaning You Can Forget About It) Option
According to the Parliamentary Elections Act, it seems that the President doesn't have to serve a writ for election, which in this case is for a vacancy arising from the death of a Member since this is a group representation unless all other members in this GRC vacate their seats.

This is just too bad for us isn't it? A by-election now will be a litmus test for our people and for both opposition and proposition parties alike. See what results past by-elections have yielded.

This ward has seen a walk-over the last GE. With current sentiments, this may have changed.

Sounds like another barrier akin to redrawing electoral divisional boundaries to keep out the opposition or at least a chance for them to prove or show themselves.

What with fulfilment of ethnic quotas in a GRC ward and a specified number (which reads like a numbers game), it seems highly unlikely any opposition party can turn up candidates like that.

At least do not deny the populace the chance of a by-election? That is fair I suppose?

Sighs and shudders - a dominant party in perpetuity?

Wait - there is still hope.

There are at least 8 single-member wards available and if the incumbents decide to vacate their seats (please do!!!!), there is still chance for a by-election and if the opposition can still muster and fill the ethnic and number quotas, there is a fighting chance for all of us.

Cross our fingers, people!

Oo, This Can Only Mean One Thing - The Dissolution Of All Others And The Appointment Of A Supreme Council Or OmbudsMan/Men/Women (Our Version)
Oh yes, don't forget the Government Parliamentary Committees for all the cabinet portfolios have been set up precisely for reasons to serve as additional avenues for checks, investigations and debates with regard to national issues and bills tabled in Parliament right?

Well, what happened?

Remember more questions and debates have to be raised and this is provided for under the freedom of speech and debate and proceedings under the Parliament Act with privileges and immunities granted and exemptions from liabilities in certain cases.

So I am really not sure why our legislature just isn't speaking up?

Must moi do the job for you?

Wait - are you gonna say these are isolated cases or incidents again? Guess what? Put all those isolated cases together and they add up and it isn't isolated anymore!

It is ubiquitous?

Only Two Will Be Evolutionary While All Else Are Human Engineered
Only two things, it seems, are left to evolve on their own.

The political system via Parliamentary Acts 217/218 and the Penal Code 377A.

All else have already been tinkered with and human engineered with past clarion calls like : "Stop At Two" and "Have Three Or More If You Can Afford It"?

That is strange, how did the two acts evolve in the first place if not for human engineering?

The Final Gauntlet
Tell you what!

If the entire Cabinet and legislative assembly (from top down) get off their high pedestals, descend from paradise and live here among us and live like us, moi joins in the fray for parliamentary elections.

How's that?

*Wink wink*

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