Friday, July 18, 2008

More Thoughts For Today

Nails Not Hooks
When I examined the "hooks" closer, those "hooks" hung on the upper walls below my void deck, I found them not to be "hooks" but nails. Spiky, pointed, sharp nails!!

Heaven forbid! The extent we go to just to discourage soccer in our void decks!

In light of promoting ourselves as a Sports Hub, this is TOTALLY anti-Sports Excellence!

Illusional Delusion, Only Naive Singaporeans Can Fall For It
Speaking of which, I took a peek at upcoming infrastructural developments like our two IRs , one scheduled for opening next year and another in 2010 and our Sports Hub in 2011, and was completely bowled over by the designs and concepts.

Question is how is that gonna benefit Singaporeans (especially indigenous ones, not naturalised citizens). In terms of employment and talent.

We have seen foreign talents foraging into our sports scene and winning at regional events with limited success. And providing comparatively cheaper sources of labour in all levels of industry from services to manufacturing. I am sure the coffee-shops are foreign or naturalised-owned too.

Not necessarily better, more efficient or trained employment but just cheaper. This is borne out by the kinda bad communication, bad services and bad attitude displayed I witnessed at some retail stores.

This just spells badder than bad sales record, not because of a small domestic economy but because of just plain bad sales people.

Sad to say, like the men's club, the patronage is largely locals. Locals consuming and patronising foreign or naturalised owned enterprises and employing foreigner workers. Triple whammies for us all.

Singapore has to be vigilant that despite all the hype and fury drummed up over exciting F1 events (foreign-owned and even one champion racer isn't local), IRs and the Sports Hub that we are ULTIMATELY the winners and beneficiaries in this illusional game.

We Slog And Die And Our Bodies Get Butchered And Organs Distributed (Maybe For A Fee Even) Or Body Snatching While We Are Still Alive
Now that there is talk of legalising human organ trading, moi can only get even more suspicious.

It could mean that all the while there was buying and selling of human organs but it is just surreptitious. Meaning our body parts get stolen without our knowledge or that there is already a black market between willing and transacting parties.

The talk now to legalise these operations, is just one step up above theft or black marketing.

To cast the net wider among our Moslem brethen and older people (aged above 60) just means that we are sadly beginning to look and read like old faithful Boxer, that dedicated and hardworking horse in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" who was sent to the abbatoir when he was of old age and outlived his productivity.

Think how our lives parallel his.

We Are All Similar On These Counts
Gays are not just gays per se. We are like other ordinary citizens who are not only affected by just anti-gay laws but a whole host of other laws prohibiting ownership of new public flats for singles and cost of living issues. Maybe we just got more issues than usual, that is all, like Penal Code 377A.

So the pro-opposition stance that got gays at loggerheads with the state does not necessarily start with Penal Code 377A. In fact, that proves that gays are just like the rest of Singapore that identifies themselves with almost similar issues.

I just wanna show that we are all the same.

Penal Code 377A Has To Go
It doesn't even need to be a public shame for a private act.

As it is, if the act happens under any one of those conditions I mentioned, Penal Code 377A swiftly ensures private acts like these are prosecuted. You don't need to be a public figure. Even a private person is not exempt from the Act.

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