Saturday, July 12, 2008

Blood Season - Spring

15-Year Shingles, Not Itch - Is That How Fast Or Slow You Move?
I really hate to have to blog about this. But I think I have to just to show how S-L-O-W things can really get going here in Singapore. So S-L-O-W that by the time we get there, we do not already have a comparative advantage.

I first heard rumblings about why Singapore was not opening a theme park way back in 1995/1996. This was from none other than an ex-tenant of mine who migrated to Australia and then came back here again when he thought that Singapore was "opening up" (that is such an absolute laugh, looking at how this is now nearing the first decade of the 21st century).

I am sure he has migrated elsewhere after he saw all that had happened here or maybe not. Hey do you know when you are gonna get menstrual cramps?

Anyway, from 1995 to 2010 when our first theme park is gonna be opened (a big welcome Universal Studios) that is a devastatingly 15 year wait. Yes we finally got it but at what opportunity cost?

We get shingles after we have our bout of chicken-pox?

A Band Of Low-Down, Incompetent And Scummy Bandits
I will like to think that our few founders and co-founders were truly and sincerely working for Singapore. From fighting the colonialists to building up Singapore.

However, things must have changed along the way and once power is decentralised, there come a time when pockets of ego-flatterers, "allies", chummy suck-ups but complete goofers and incompetents got to divide and conquer Singapore.

They are working for themselves not for Singapore.

Worse, they are not rising to the challenge of international threats and bringing us up to par. Far too many other equally crucial developments are not being initiated but suppressed for whatever self-interested reasons known only to themselves.

They are here among us, people. Working amongst the community. Citizens and non-citizens alike. At all tiers of the totem pole.

I suggest we sniff them out and hang them. Castrate and castigate some of them.

Another Henchie Kept In Power Because Of A Master Puppeteer?
One Uncle Cabby highlighted how a certain parliamentarian was voted out twice in the opposition-held ward but could still retain his ministerial post.

When you scrutinised his past and present portfolios, you notice he has held Transport (the ERPs, CBDs) and National Development positions.

Right now moi is residing in his ward where it was a walk-over at the last GE.

When moi arrived, I noticed how some of the bus-stops were still pasted with out-dated posters of past parliamentarians. One notice was dated 2006 (that has since been torn down) and the colors have all but faded to a faint blue.

What do you think people?

Whoa! By Then, Wouldn't Some Of Us Have Already Kicked The Bucket?
Anyway, you would have noticed how all our long-term vision is now centred on a 10 to 15 year kinda tenure, no longer the 5-year, more visible, more immediate kind that WE CAN ALL HOPE TO SEE.

Some examples, the 10 to 15 year vision for our dear, dear Jurong Lake district development. In fact for all kinda waterfront living vision.

It is like trumpeting bio-medical sciences but cautioning how it takes many, many, many long years before it bears fruit.

In the meantime, some of us won't live to see it but we continue voting for the promisor to power. And us, the promisees, just keep waiting, and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and...... (you get the picture now, don't you?)

Did you just put your finger to your nose while speaking? I saw that!!!!! Let Papa's boy speak for himself, dude!

Levies And Minimum Occupation Periods Are Already Sufficient SafeGuards Against "Profiteering", So Why Are Singles Kept Out From Owning New Flats?
Oh yes if "punishment" hasn't been meted out sufficiently, there is already a hefty levy imposed for owners of new flats buying another equally new flat on top of a minimum occupation period.

So where is the "profiteering" agenda that Singaporeans are being chided for?

What Is Happening With My Cyborgic Eye? (A Computer Scan Actually Read An Error At One Opti Outlet)
When I close one eye and open the other, there is always that sharper focus in my good eye but not in the other. When they merge, vision is good but depth perception isn't.

Like how some optis and optos put it, a raised ground kinda feeling. A fish bowl vision. An imbalance.

This is attributed to one "perfect eye" (which was once cataracted and we know how a perfect visual 6/6 is attained just by looking at some black lettered and numbered charts against a lighted backdrop which is like pure classroom teaching without the out-there-in-the-world kinda contact) and one high-powered myopic eye.

Yes I ran into a 65 year old uncle cabby who must have 6/6 perfect vision but I was half the time clinging on to my seat because he was driving zig zaggedly with many near hits and misses and at one time he drove onto a lane and a bus was flashing his lights behind him.

It seems like I have to either Lasik or wait for the other eye to falter both of which I do not sincerely hope for.

What if Lasik produces halos and what if both options bring my "good powerful" eye now to that kinda less sharp vision I am having in my op-eye?

If the opthamologists question if I need perfect vision, I say I had "perfect vision" all the while so YES I DO!

I am not some 50, 60, 70 or 80 year-old who is retired, sedentary and a home-maker who can cope with less than perfect vision.

Get that thickheads!

Refined Eye Acuity Means Discernment
Some opti told me I probably have sensitive eyes, if you wanna call it that.

My old opto prescribed a pair of contacts that was 25 degree off that prescribed by a centre and I could discern the difference. I went with her because I felt most comfortable with her and my vision was certainly sharper with her prescription.

Maybe those evaluators at those evaluation rooms should take a cue from her. Perhaps my opto should even work there.

I cannot fault the surgical method but all else I probably could from the surgical markings and positioning to the optometric measurements.

And I can't discredit laser or ultrasound technologies either. It is just the evolution of these technologies and remember that new or revolutionary does not necessarily mean better or more advanced.

Yes that is how refined my eye is, not sensitive. I can detect that multiples of 25 degree acuity.

Right now I am told I have a 50 degree astig in my op eye.

You Run Your Own Life, I Run Mine
All my ordeals are just attributed to some FUCKING BASTARDS who wanna drive me out of my previous home (based on the CHAO CHEE BYE jealousy that I was occupying 104sqm of sometimes tenanted space and that I need company - FUCK YOU) and put me out here to see all their shortcomings!

What about the current owner where moi is now living? He is owning 108sqm of space and he is a joint owner (the other does not live here - purportedly his father) and he is tenanting out the other rooms and he has even partitioned another room. Four bedrooms in all.

I am not even sure if he is a local or a PR or under one of those PR siblings scheme. There you see, others are benefitting.

First because of all those human disturbances (oh yea punk, I spotted you and would have hit you if I could) and constant moving and lack of an internet connection, I wasn't able to research as thoroughly as I could my eye condition or the best treatment options or treatment places I could go to.

FUCK YOU Bastards!

Get This Right, You MotherFuckers!
I am not holing up in some nursing homes with old farts (and you know how differently we think) or in nursing home-like housing estates like Tiong Bahru or Kallang in the smaller flats especially.

We have nothing in common except maybe a spit or two.

Nor am I gonna be holed up in such close proximity with some foreign workers or some low-income families with a brood of children who are constantly beating up their kids because they have more than a handful to cope with.

I will not be anyone's leader or speak for anyone anymore.

When we were poor, we did the same thing. We minded our business, didn't ask for money or borrow from others or created problems for other people.

Look at the vast majority of Singaporeans (native or otherwise) and the foreign residents here.

They are all enjoying themselves, driving their big cars, living in their big houses and shutting up their mouths and voting for the incumbents as always without a whimper and now their vehicular problems become my room rental hikes.

Get this absolutely right, MOTHER FUCKERS!

This Is Where A Child Learns Like For Like (I Have Seen This At Child-Care Services, At My Home Among My Sisters And Among The Third World Way Of Bringing Up Their Kids Among Parents And The Maids)
I have blogged about how physical discipline and verbal screams and threats when a child misbehaves must be the lastest of the lastest resort in any kinda parenting.

With Wei Zhao who is about 2 years old or so, I have seen how he responds very well to firm talking to and reasoning.

I have seen how my sisters love screaming and verbally abusing my nephews and nieces especially during sit downs to school work and look at how some of them turn out.

And that physical discipline is gonna elicit some kinda retailatory moves later on in life or on some other people.

Take good note, people. Like for like, remember!

A Two Year HeadFirst Start And You Call That Talent?
All those foreign talent in our local schools have a two year advantage in terms of physical and intellectual capacity.

Does that explain how they top sporting and academic achievements?

And they are taking our places in admission exercises and that explains why moi isn't able to get a place at any of our three local universities and have to turn to a foreign one.

35% Replacement But With Who And What
I am all for good foreign talent replacement of our local populace.

The likes of Psycho, BullDog, FatBloke and Punk can all be exported overseas to Third World countries.

But why are we getting the likes of those I met?

Utilities Based On Usage Or Size Of The Dwelling?
The latest I got wind of was that the utilities are pegged to the size of the flat and not on usage. I have got incident reports from cabbies who vouched that they were out of town but the bill still remained unchanged.

And how billing is about the same per month depending on the size of the dwelling and does not fluctuate despite drastic usage changes .

Never Anti-Enterprise But Pro-Good And Beneficial Enterprise
That is my stance.

Enterprise that has no harmful side-effects or does more harm than good to a person - his eyes, his skin and his health.

Enterprise that make a difference to improve lives and elevate standards of living.

Commercial greed or profit cannot over-ride the safety and efficacy of any enterprise.

Nurture And Grow Our Local Talent Faster Than You Can Get In The Foreign Ones
I spent a short stint at a hall of residence, a hall of residence for medical students during my lst year university studies.

I didn't like the ragging and regimentation. Enough is enough during National Service. And I wasn't gonna be any cutie boy for some of the senior girls.

But I do know the aspiring Malaysian Indian doctors wannabe were mocking at us (particularly our defence capabilities) and I am not sure if some of them are working at our top echleon of the medical corp services today.

In fact I just got wind how many of them are occupying top corporate and public service positions.

Around my estate, I have spotted supermarket employees and shoppers holding blue ICs (meaning PR status) and even that provision shop owner was once a Malaysian.

Their kids will probably be like me, born and bred here but I can't be too sure if they have familial ties still back in their homeland and what if "searching for their roots" run amok and they decide they should be aligned with their motherland?

Good for Singapore then if they should be hiding some hidden agenda.

I still think the Chinese hold the key. Not those here working in the retail or technical or the food and beverage or sex trades certainly. But the genuine student-type and those in true professions.

That is why there is jealousy in many quarters (I know who you are but I am not saying) especially of those Chinese born and bred here who have the smarts.

I Wanna Call It A Day
I think I have enough raking up the past and blogging.

While all the other "Singaporeans" (whoever they are, young and old, poor or moneyed) are living in their own shell and shutting their mouths up, poor moi has to be at the receiving end of judgement, morality, policies and placed under a microscope and speak for these "in-hiding and behind the curtain" clever farts.

Fuck You!

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