Monday, July 07, 2008

Blood Season - Winter

Think About This, PokerAss
Moi has been dragged along for far too long a time. It has been a whole two and a half years since I last sold my place and that place has since skyrocketed in price, leaving moi looking like a fool to have sold it far too early.

Rental has gone up and I really hate paying that kinda price for a room! Needless to say the least.

My sympathies go to newly-weds or couples who wanna tie the knot and buy a flat. Yes, they prbably can't afford it. But the good news is they can still buy a new flat which is cheaper when compared to a resale and they are still young. They still have that health and energy to weather the wait.

Moi has had cataract eaten into him. I am not at that kinda age to be dragged on further. If I were to die today, I wanna die in the peace and sanctity of my own home. Not someone else's. Not Raymond's. Not here.

The administration owes the people one thing: that public housing should be made affordable. Singles or married, we are still citizens of this country. Forget about private property. That isn't what the administration should be looking at or shaking their heads over.

If singles are to be barred from profiteering (when everyone else is already - citizens or non-citizens) from Singapore, they can always have that same time bar of 5 years (or lesser) imposed as is the case with the minimum occupation period for new flats.

As it is, there are already time bars of a year to two and a half for resale flats depending on the kinda loans or no-loans that you have taken up. That kinda time period can make or break in uncertain markets for most people. Imagine you watching prices soar but you can't sell and when you can, prices fall.

Someone wrote about how even new flats are pegged to prices of transacted resale flats and the administration calls that difference a subsidy when construction cost is much lower.

How ridiculous is that?

Let singles buy up new flats, bring down the cost of new flats and resale flats and if profiteering is deemed an "evil" (fuck you if you think that) then impose a reasonable time frame for debarring a resale.

I Will Repeat This Again : Look At How Skewed Public Housing Prices Have Gone
You can scour the resale data for 3-room flats and see for yourselves how ridiculous that a smaller areaed flat in far-flung Bukit Batok can actually fetch the same price as one in a central location like Ang Mo Kio.

If it is just one maybe it is a fluke but not when average prices are almost all like that.

Some thing must be wrong with the whole system of classifying and valuing properties. A 5-minute look-see and a checklist that the valuer normally brings along must be seriously and terribly skewed.

Throw Another One More UnHoly Trinity My Way And I Will Kill You
If someone thinks that trifling with and blurring my vision is gonna make me dependant on another half (a beau or the UnHoly Trinity), he has to be terribly mistaken.

My previous pronouncement still stand.

I ran into a bimb the other day and she was rattling on about a friend visiting prostitutes in Geylang, clubbing, gambling and how a young handsome China dude wanna "tackle" her.

I am not sure of what relevance it was to our conversation but I do know I really wanna fuck her up. I excused myself once she got on her mobile and left.

Another example of you and the UnHoly Trinity at work.

And I will repeat this again: I deal with you and the UnHoly Trinity at arm's length at best. At worst, I shun you altogether.

Budgeting Course? Boycott Her Classes And We Really Budget, People
After I bloged about bloody stupid shitass statements uttered by some leaders, we actually have someone from the administration coming out to walk her talk.

She champions budgeting and in fact teaches it to the general public. Maybe if we all boycotted her classes, that would really help us to budget and cut down an unnecessary cost.

You should read some of her budgeting plans and the kinda discounts she gets on flights to Bangkok where she "stocks up". It makes you actually wanna roll on the floor and scream : "Fuck you Bitch, we know you are from the administration so please don't do this to the rest of us!"

Cleaning Contractors - Are Your Tools Up To Date And Cleaning Duties Rostered Properly?
Every time I visit the loo at this community complex after a meal, the menservants would saunter in soon after. This happens at the sports complex and the swim pools too. Yes, the void deck below see the foreign workers doing the same.

I am not sure what they are up to. Were they trying to impress upon me that they were working? And do they think I am complaining? All I want to see is a clean loo when I enter not some charpeople barging in to show off their "hard" work.

Hey I have enough experience with Liz, the bloody fucking maid to know when it is showtime to showcase their "hard" work (how would a maid compare to an owner taking charge of his own place? who would clean up cleaner?). At other times, we all know these places reek of shit and urine and litter.

By the way we all know how that wet mop that has been used to clean up urine in the loo is then swept across a mall's floor which leaves the mall stinking of urine more than ever. OMFG!

And the cleaners at this particular mall in Orchard Road pull long faces when they see people entering the loos and they expect the vanity countertops to be dry as a whistle.

Hey, if the loos aren't dirty, maybe you wouldn't even have a job? Think about that.

You Put Me Out Here To See All Your ShortComings? It Is Your Own Doing People
The longer you put me out here, the more the administration and the general public are gonna be embarrassed.

I hardly use the loos or any public places for that matter when I was living at my old place. But now since I have to bathe, shower, defecate and pee in them, hey I expect them to be home standards.

Because I am sharing shit and urine of some other people's and not just mine alone. If it were just mine, I don't mind.

God knows what all those other people are doing in the public lavatories!

Get It? Work Passes? Not Holiday Passes
I sat down with a foreign gay fella some time ago and he was admonishing moi how I should suffer right along with him. He is in the food and beverage sector and as far as I can see, he loves drinking beer.

Now I am not counting on any of my fella gay brethen (or sisters) for any kinda support (I don't expect it and I know I won't get it). They can be as shitty as everyone else out there. Sometimes far worse.

But please, dude, you are here on a work pass (work permits or employment passes). So if you are on a holiday pass, let me know.

Negative? Let Us Trade Places Then
Someone again admonished moi for being negative with all that has happened.

Hey, why don't we trade places then. See how long more she can remain positive.

And I know she is probably from the town council or something. Ensconed on a throne in a high and mighty position, dispensing punishment and indulgences. Admonishing, moralising and so on.

Enough is enough, pokerasses!

You Can't Speak Up For Yourself, Can You?
Everytime we poke at someone, it seems like it is always someone else who speaks up on behalf for this someone.

That someone is very much harder to discredit while that other someone should be showing us all his episodes of "resilience".

Born with a silver spoon, born privileged into an old moneyed family, attendinging top overseas universities, with not a single worry about finances and well-connected, what has he got to say for himself except that he is A BRAT?

No Subsidy, Full Paying Rate
To prove a point, moi goes for hospitalisation treatment and it is at private rate, not subsidised. And that education is also full-paying rate. Funding is available for the part-time proram but it is gonna take a long time and moi knows he can only concentrate on one big thing at a time, so full-time it is.

In fact moi may even have to shelf education plans because I know I cant sit down and study if I am constantly moving house.

And dealing with shitasses on a daily basis.

You Are Only To Blame, My Dear Singaporean Friends
Look at all the Singaporeans (or whoever they are) driving their big cars around.

Totally unperturbed by increasing fuel prices and other essentials. Not a whimper of protest. Taking things shoved down their throats.

They deserve everything they get!

Hair And Skin Care That Do More Harm Than Good
I am not laying a single dab of cream on my face anymore save for those prescribed by the doctor. Nor am I shampooing or conditioning or hair masking.

I have thrown away all those products and my hair feels greater than it ever was!

Just pure H2O for my hair and face!

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