Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We Have Changed, The World Has Changed

The Dark Knight
Oh whopee scary mungo sungo! I have never been on the edge of my seat so much during an almost 3-hour epic movie. It was fast-paced, action was furious and the plot was excellent. There were so many, many, many dark moments especially with the psychotic Joker!

All it took was just a simple pen-knife to instill so much fear among the audience (I could see all the cringing and hands to faces kinda look of horror)! And yes awesome explosive blow-ups! So traditional yet so....mind-blowing?

For sure there were many takes of hilarity.

In one scene as the dastardly Joker was pushed off the building and when he spiralled downwards and dangled onto the end of the rope, he looked like doing a bungee jump.

In another, you could detect a faint smile on Harvey Dent's better half of his face as he lay dead on the road. I suppose a rotting half of a face when compared to a handsome half reflects the dual sides to humanity - both evil and good?

All that story about good (the incorruptible Harvey Dent), about justice (oh god, the poor woman judge got blown up in her car), about power and greed, about money laundering and of heroes (Batman!) were just what the audience wanted.

Oh yes, a tribute to Singapore actor Chin Han who "made good" in the movie....in a baddie's role that is.

Hellboy2 has so many parallels to our modern day living that even though our superheroes don't exactly look like us (which bucks the trend for the need to be beautiful or suave looking), we can all almost embrace the characters.

There is that dirty old troll disguising herself as an old cat-loving woman (she actually eats them) whom we can immediately identify as some of our older sex-starved women. Or the forest goddess being the last of her species here on earth which alludes to our natural environment being destroyed. And yes right down to putting on contact lenses!

The desecration of antique relics to a priced collectible auctioned off at museums is another issue and how characters that are different from us are marginalised in society even though they mean no harm.

And funny one-liner spewed by a tumour not a baby-in-arms.

Really good movie with a myriad of strange-looking creatures!

Star Wars (Animation Version) Is Coming!
Star Wars is coming but this time it is an animation. Now another version like an animation is most certainly welcome but somehow we wanna see real human characters playing these roles.

Otherwise that extra oomph and reality is missing!

I guess we are just used to its former flesh and blood characters like Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamil who truly fleshed out their roles so superbly, aided only by special effects.

Legalising Human Organ Trading
Sounds like it has already been going on surreptitiously in a black market kinda operation and now is probably the time to finally put up a legitimate front to all that racketeering. If so, do the same for Penal Code 377A.

Among many laughauble laughs were calls to not avoid controversial and radical ideas. What about Penal Code 377A then? And as an afterthought or maybe struck by a little conscience astirring inside, there is now talk of compensation.

The last laugh of course must be deciding to "distance donors and recipients" and for that, to appoint a middleman and that function goes to of all people, charities and religious groups (whose roles are increasingly being called into question these days in light of recent controversies).

Doesn't look too transparent to me and donors can't even assess properly the "legitimate" needs of the recipients or even the true value of their compensation and the kinda 'compensation" the middleman gets.

More Than Just Security Lapses
I think we take issue not only with security lapses but of wider concerns over how our Home Team chooses to do its patrols.

We hear now of particularly bad neighborhoods whose flats haven been broken into and littered with one too many foreign guest workers boarding there.

They live in these estates and loiter around the town centres. In big groups too. Patrols seem to be only at nights while crimes or assemblies in broad daylight isn't unheard of.

Then there is the issue of the kinda immigrants or aliens we seem to be attracting. First we had "study mamas" (whose marital status and relationship with their "wards" have to be qualified) and illegal workers are not exactly extinct yet.

What about the quality control of issuing permanent residency or even work passes to one and all? We do seem to get all sorts here - shady and bad character sorts plus really low low low down sorts.

Episodic individual failure sounds a lot like "isolated" incidents. Maybe it should just be renamed "epidemic collective bungle"?

We, The Born And Bred Sons Of Singapore, Do Swear By To Do Good For The Sake Of Our Country
To let you know how bad the situation had been, let me tell you my personal experience in the world of accounting and audit work.

In those one-man and even the bigger partnership outfits are not exempted, almost anyone can do the job.

So I have Malaysian women for colleagues with practically the lowest of the lowest accounting certified skills but whose mouths are wide enough to probably win her the job. They were not at all collegial colleagues and tend to beat down the born and bred Singaporeans here by virtue of their seniority,

I fear for us if they are the likes who will eventually gain a residency foothold here and finally make here her home as I am sure she will.

Others are just conniving scumbags and this one case I know has surfaced as a financial scandal and fraud in the courts.

Good luck Singapore, you now have a foreign (or eventually naturalised) team who are financially self-interested (we are a commercial and financial hub no?), commercially greedy and who will not do good or right.

We all suffer for it in the wake of rampant profiteering and harmful and bad products and services thrust down our throats.

Shit Thrashes Everywhere
I have worked in enough foreign-owned and local companies to know the kinda environs we are operating in.

And opened my doors to enough foreign tenants to know what they are made of.

Even my foreign and local gay 'brethen" are no exception.

Put me here longer and I am gonna blog more about the EVIL and shitasses here.

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