Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shuddering Shudders Of Murdering Murders

Shuddering Thoughts Of An Even Greater Eye-Sore
As I think back even more and even harder, I get even more and greater shudders. *Shudders*

Leaving football imprints is probably considered an eye-sore? But think what all those outwardly pointing nails do for aesthethics? Total zilch and an even greater eye-sore!

Don't forget how dangerous they are to one and all especially if someone gets "driven up the wall", get it? They look like nails for nailimg someone to the wall and crucifying him or something.

There are other more amicable and less vile ways of discouraging soccer playing in void decks, no? Despite the adamant recalcitrants?

Murdering murderers!!!!!

Flowering Shrubs That Reach Eye-Level - Danger Zone?
All those flowering shrubs lined along the common corridors shared by residents of a block. Some have reached eye level and at one point I was actually worried for my cyborgic eye right immediately after my op.

Not to mention some have thorny main stems like the hooks in the void decks. And because they were lined up the way they are along the common corridor, some passageway is obstructed and we walk too close to them for comfort.

Shuddering shudders .

Furnitury And Electronic Throwaways
Cupboards, wardrobes, washers and fridges. We have seen these old and disused thingies doubling up as storages outside a flat or simply kept for memory.

Fire hazards, obstruction, collecting dust and dirt and certainly unsightly. Maybe even harboring unsavories like pests for instance.

When will we all learn to be more First World?

Mirror Mirror On The Wall - Playing Hide And Seek With The Sun
Nowadays moi carries a hand-held mirror wherever he goes.

Because of the lasered skin on my face (I still stick by my prognosis that there is vast improvement) and my uber-sensitive cyborgic eye now, moi plays it really really safe.

Moi has been playing hide and seek with the sun. As much as moi tries, moi is out before sunrise and after the sun sets. Sounds scary, doesn't it? Count Dracula?

You should see how moi shifts from the left to the right or back again in the cab wherever the sun chooses to shine its glorious rays onto the seat.

As soon as it rains or it is dark and cloudy, moi manages to get out of the house and breathe a little fresh air and "sunshine" (oops, that is not such a good idea anymore).

No more outdoor sunshine for moi. No more outdoor running and tanning in the blazing sun. Just indoor gymming and indoor shopping for moi from now on.

To check that my skin and my hair is in place, I look into this mirror just to be triply sure.

Vainpot? Not at all.

ABCDEFG.... Now I Learn My ABC......."S" Is For "Slog" And "W" Is For "Work"
By the way, did I mention that two fumigators are carrying out fumigation works? God knows what the other guy does.

And for trimming trees or bagging thrashes along our streets, there are like four or more in a team. One doubles up as the driver (yes, foreigners have taken over our Singapore wheels, what next? life sciences?) while the rest do their tree-cutting and pruning works.

I know the S-pass may just not sound like a work pass right? Sleep or siesta? You bet your life in a million years it certainly is not.

S is for "slog", so "slog" S-passers!

Trading Places - Will A Blow Torcher Do As Well At Medical Laser Works?
Have you thought about how academic smarts is probably just one part of being on the way to becoming a good surgeon?

I mean surgery needs fantastic motor skills in any surgical procedures right?

Like the car mechanic or the blow-torcher (shaping glasses or cutting and welding) and that steel of nerve and steady hands in passing a ring round loops from start to finish at a fun fair?

Well....think about it...

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