Saturday, August 02, 2008

Subversion Of The National Sovereignty Of The People (Not Of The State Or Rulers)

National Sovereignty Of The People (Not Of The State) Is Being Subverted By Economics
Again it is telling that our leaders have underestimated the kinda nationalistic fervour some Taiwanese feel. As usual, the assumption is that economic interest is the be all and end all.

These days economics have a hold on national sovereignty of the people and I have just made more interesting discoveries how many more of the commercial interests here are foreign or naturalised-owned. Filthy rich and living on landed properties too.

I have pointed out the vastly different ways indigenous and naturalised citizens may think and behave. Especially the well-schooled (meaning a better sense of good and bad, right and wrong and of belonging) native citizens.

Let us weigh these repercussions against a backdrop of rampant profiteering (after all they are here for business development not people development, the bottom line, etc, etc) at all our expenses (social costs, monetary costs, environmental costs, the list goes on).

Dumping harmful products and offering misrepresentational services that misrepresent, misinform that lead to harm, maiming or even death.

Health and beauty products are some examples.

And to conclude, to have such sheer numbers of foreign or naturalised-owned commerce is just selling out Singapore and subverting ourselves.

Some Examples Of Neglecting And Even Putting Down Our Local Talent
Back in junior college, I have blogged before about how a Malaysian ASEAN scholar has been extolled no end and I wonder where he is now and if he has Singapore's interests at heart.

I remember how a Thai was elected student leader councillor. A huge prick of a pighead and again I wonder where he is.

"Serious-Minded" Chinese
When I wrote "serious-minded", I meant that the Chinese while grappling with money concerns, were also keenly interested in wider national political, social and economic issues.

They are not afraid to vocalise their concerns and they have proven this in the forums they write to or taking to the streets or via the ballot boxes or by very outwardly signs of protests.

What are we predominantly pre-occupied with here? Hollywood style frivolities especially among the womenfolk that is.

And yes, I just realised how many more Chinese legendary "real-life" flesh and blood heroes there are in Chinese history than the fictional, make-believe and thus less-real but nevertheless endowed with endless superhuman powers heroes of Hollywood.

So there! You have the answer now.

Money No Enough 2
Contrast the Chinese mind with the local populace here.

Money No Enough 2 takes the words right out of my mouth. The Taiwanese have criticised us for having "no balls". That is what we are and that is what we will be.

The movie lampoons many of our high cost of living icons and the family feud in a way parallels mine. I was moved to tears by the death of the matriarch and the mistreatment she got from each of her son's family.

Justice Bao may be dead but I am sure he lives on somewhere inside all of us. We wanna see justice, truth and virtue being upheld. Give moi his black beard, blackened face, red crescent moon stamp on his forehead and imperial robes and headgear and moi joins Hollywood reprising his role!

At least if one can't get justice in real life, one can get it in drama?

Just remember this one thing, people - whatever money you make now will probably be good for spending it on your health concerns in your golden years. Minus your organs when you die.

Bulldoze Is What You Do Best And That Is Political Will?
Taiwan has announced plans to overhaul its swampy international airport.

So were we a swampland before. How much political will is needed to bulldoze over a swampy land and erect new buildings over it? Hasn't Manila done it already with its newly opened Terminal 3?

Can't anyone else?

Democracy Not Monarchy
By the way, if the political system is to "evolve" further, let it be truly democratic and that we are shown to be a democracy not a monarchy.

Enough of certain dynastic "elites" (sniggers) holding reins forever. That bloodline has to end for good.

Red Cliff (Part 1)
I love Chinese heroic period movies like "Justice Bao" (O please, can we have a remake of this legendary hero?) and "Warlords" and this is no exception.

In fact the three characters of Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhu GeLiang are known to parallel that of Justice Bao, Zhan Zhao and Gongsun.

The costumes, fights and war strategies played out on the battlefield were more than superb, they were flawless.

The audience must have been caught off-guard that this movie was only a prequel to a sequel that is to follow.

But for sure, like the banging of the drums which is a call for battle, we should also be drumming up support for more truth, virtue and justice to be seen and heard here.

Supreme Council or Ombudsman anyone?

The Mummy - Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor
Is it my imagination but are we seeing more Asian-inspired Hollywood flicks?

First, Kungfu Panda, then Red Cliff (a collaborative effort between Hollywood and Asia) and now this.

I need not elaborate on the plot nor of the action but I do want to point out two parallels. One, how when one Uncle adventurer of Alex stumbles upon the Himalayan kingdom of majestic scenic beauty, he was awed into wanting to start a casino, of all things.

Two, the spell call of the "witch" on an army of the oppressed dead souls buried under the Great Wall to rise to mutiny against a resurrected tyrannic dead Dragon Emperor

Need I say more except that you can expect more "mummy fun" when they fly off to Peru (The Incas civilisation maybe?) for the next sequel.

X-Files Reminder
"To find the truth, you must believe" and "I want to believe" (the truth is out there) are just some of the rallying calls we always hear in the X-Files TV series and now the movie.

So believe me you should, that perhaps grafting of human limbs onto living people may not sound so far-fetched in the future.

Maybe it is already happening......somewhere in Russia?

Wait......... as I write this - limbs transplant has been carried out in Munich, Germany.

And yes I feel so sorry for the paedophilic priest in the movie. I am not sure of what ages the 37 altar boys were and to hell if I were to be caught here by the definition of an adult who is someone above 18 years old.

Look, what if that 14 year old changing in the showers possesses massive genitalia ? And he is a child?

Scaredity Scared
Guess what, moi has a gut feel he is being watched.

Moi spends quite a fair bit of time cafeing somewhere in Orchard Road and yes, this mall's ownership has just opened up moi's eyes to what I have blogged about today.

And a couple of blokes hanging out here are rousing moi's suspicions. Even the foreign cleaner is not exempt. Then at this supermart, moi bumps into two high-powered business people here.

One is balding (hey I really wasn't referring to you as the balding vulture in my story the other time) and the other is just an old bloke who once lived in the biblically war-town country of Israel.

I am really scared, what with witnessing a collision between a cab and a car on the road just the other night.

P.S: If you are really watching moi, tell moi what you think of his hair and new face now. Prettier? And if you wanna kill moi, why don't you just leave the killing to moi himself when he hits 60 years old and above? That's a better deal, ain't it?

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