Saturday, August 02, 2008

Over Representation

O Please, Didn't You Kick-Start The Sex Industry First?
If I need to remind our Malaysian womenfolk again, I will. Remember how they first kick-started the sex industry under the guise of the neighborhood hair and beauty salons which actually were covers for sex services?

Now the Chinese have taken over and guess what, they are prettier, fairer, possess all-natural beauty without an ounce of make-up and more daring too.

Not to mention the Vietnamese womenfolk and all others in between.

Competition and green eyes? You bet.

A Troop Of Old Traditional Unaccepting Third Worlders
I just witnessed a foreign maid admonishing a young boy who idolises a HongKong male celebrity and wanted to snitch on him to his mother.

How is the boy gonna grow up like? Psychologically scarred, homophobic, an unhealthy attitude and disrepect for gays and that can only spell disaster!

There you have it!

Only old traditional Third Worlders are unaccepting and guess who brought them in the first place.

You again!

It Is You, You And You Again - You Set The Rules To Suit Your Whims And Fancies
I asked some Moslems where in the Islamic world can their religion allow organ donation. Apparently none.

So didn't we set our own rules to suit ourselves? Didn't we engineer this? Please do not excuse yourselves from repealing Penal Code 377A based, seemingly, on someone else's disapproval.

Sounds a lot like you are the disapprovers for quirky reasons known only to yourselves.

You could have gone ahead and repealed it without a second thought just like you did for organs donation for our Moslem brethen and sisters.

Need I bring up Parliamentary Acts 217/218?

OverStaffed And Goofing Off
This old Malay uncle cleaner is at it again at this community complex.

So I decided to examine the inspection card and discovered that checks were done two-hourly starting from 10am.

I got into the loo to brush my teeth (what now with my braces on) after my meal at about 520pm and he sauntered in immediately after. He was moping part of the floor and attending to a toilet bowl which I suspect was not working. The soap dispensers aren't too.

I don't think the users should be the ones reporting the defects.

The inspection is due at 6oopm and here he is about 40 minutes beforehand for a grand show.

Since the floor was almost as dry as a whistle, that means there wasn't even moping or washing work done at the earlier 400pm inspection. No wet floors dry that fast.

I must be right in my suspicion about the private-public enterprise engaged to do the cleaning.

Checks were not even conducted and must have been passed off as being checked just like that.

And quite a few contractors and manual laborers in their mud-caked boots and clothes who used the loo were really the culprits soiling it.

Not to mention the army of foreign cleaners roaming the estate freely, so freely, we wonder if the GRCs are overnumbered working as they claim to in estate management (as opposed to the poor old uncle alone)

Overstaffed and goofing off? You bet.

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