Saturday, August 16, 2008

Singapore's 2nd Olympics History In The Making (Updated)

2nd Olympics History For Singapore In The Making After 48 Years
Yes, we are jubilant all right about the woman paddlers' team making it to the finals and assuring ourselves of at least a silver. After a drought of 48 years. It turned into a 3 and a half hour epic battle between South Korea and Singapore that spun 5 rounds.

As I have mentioned before the South Koreans have been very consistent throughout the 20 years of Olympic games beginning with the Seoul Olympics 1988 till now.

And the woman's paddlers team proved this. The last face-off between the two was a dimunitive, frail and anxious-looking S Korean versus a bigger Chinese Singapore. But look at how she defended herself and delivered the punches. It was a marginal loss after all.

I am not sure if it was just prolonged for good dramatic and political reasons just to let the rest of Singapore see how "deserving" the foreign talent are in being rewarded with the huge sums of money involved.

Yes people, the Olympics 3000 years ago must be a far cry from the kinda politics, money and doping that taint the games today. Not least that it now includes GALLS!!!!!

P.S1: I forgot to mention that Taiwan has also been up there in the medal tally all past 20 years of the Olympics. Another Asian tiger or dragon right up there with the rest of the Asian juggernauts!

P.S2:Was some parliamentarian waving our Singapore flag in the background during the paddlers' sporting event? Because if she was, guess what, we all know who she is, don't we?

For Fame, Glory Or Money?
Tao Li was commendable and she speaks a lot like us too.

But JiaWei and the rest of the table-tennis team sound too much like the Chinese. I am sure we all feel a certain disconnect here. If I were cheering the team on (which I did) I might as well be cheering for the Chinese (which I am in certain events, like badminton).

Those tears of joy must be in part for the $750 000 or $1.5 million prize money dangled before the Olympics sports team. So was it for national glory or was it for personal pecuniary interest? Do other countries do the same and did it yield the same kinda results even without the money?

It also seems like we have budgeted that kinda sum of money to be given away in a one-off (a fluke as it is) thingy to break a very long dry spell just to make us look good for a moment.

There you have it people! Be an Olympian gold medallist and you stand to be among the 77000 elite Singaporeans here! Whoopee Dong Mungo Sungo! What can I say except maybe "Whoopee Dong Mungo Sungo" again?

Norway, Israel, Thailand And Indonesia versus Singapore Inc - Who Wins?
Big questions now to ask are:
(1) Will we be nurturing more of our kind instead of foreign ones?

(2)Is it gonna be money again, sports run like Singapore Inc and is this effective? Hasn't this proven not to be?

(3)What about Norway with the same kinda population numbers as we but has way stronger showing on the medal tallies consistently?

(4)What of Israel, a war-torn country with a slightly larger population base of over 7 million but who has been consistent in its Olympics quest or

(5)Thailand and Indonesia, much less resourced countries?

(6) Lastly will this be a one-off thingy passed off as a fluke even or will we be more seriously consistent in our Olympics showing perhaps with less of a monetary incentive that is the true Olympian spirit?

Men's Individual Artistic Gymnastics Event
I was focussed on the handle bar part. The two Japs were hot and I thought performed supremely well but not well enough to earn a gold. So did one of the S Koreans and he was hot too. Both Japs came in 2nd and 4th respectively while that cute Korean made it to 8th position.

More Evidence Of Foreign WrongDoing
I met a Malaysian PR who runs a renovation contracting company a few years back. We all know for a fact that the workers are usually Malaysian too. I can't be sure if FatBloke was one of them, married as he is to a China woman now.

But what we do know are that shoddy work, disappearing acts and the like are just the normal order of the day.

Can you imagine that Malaysian who runs the massage, escort cum sex service actually sits around and is free most of the time. Who knows what other shady deals he does on the sides beside this?

Break With Educational Tradition
I applaud new talk on educational rebalancing now going on....and a few big questions to ask and risks we care to take if we really wanna rehaul and ramp up the educational ladder.

Can we break with educational tradition and rewrite the curriculum so that more relevance and practicality are written into the syllabi topics that we study?

Essay topics asked are more of the factual, discussive, reflective and argumentative sorts that centre on more personal, closer to the heart, real and life-encountering issues rather than remoter types like writing on the UN for example.

Analyses of policies that impact lives are one area too.

You ask the Australians or the Canadians if they are acquainted with our GCE kinda exams and they laugh into your face, knowing nothing about it and claiming theirs to be more superior - so where is that international acclaim save coming from our top?

I agree values have to be learnt from experience and observation and some kinda formal lesson helps only to a certain extent, maybe more to reflect on events that happened, consolidate thinking, offer change and conclusions and finally to put this down on paper?

Yawn! You Deserve This, Not Me!
I am only too keenly aware of what some kawans were appearing to show me in my presence.

Look, it is your organs and your life we are talking about. If you don't even treasure that more than money, I have nothing to say. I feel sorrier that your leaders have shown their true colors when they were recently interviewed. Mere parrots and mouthpieces.

Remember, I don't deserve this. YOU DO! Maybe Singapore deserves whatever they are getting. Not moi again!

And it isn't universal suffrage, because I didn't vote to suffer with you! Remember this good and well.

Once again : Ampun Tuanku! Terima kasih! Bodoh!

Jurong GRC By-Election - Can We Have One Please Mr President?
It seems that a by-election should be held in Jurong GRC under the Parliamentary Acts.

Moi has read one part of the Act which says "Not necessary unless whole team vacates" but a Forum reader has read another part that says "President specifies that a group representation constituency is for X numbers so if X numbers is short of one or more, President has powers to serve writ of elections" .

So it really depends on which part of the Act you are reading and how unambiguously one is tied to the other and how they can be interpreted separately or together.

So if we should, why aren't we?

What About GST?
Oo, don't forget that in addition to a largely local patronage of foreign-based and naturalised-owned corporations, we pay GST too. Whoa! Double whammy!

Hot Little Devilish Wimp
This hot young masseur is so hot, he even enters moi's room when he is out and has locked his room up. On the pretext of moping and vacumming moi's room. I hope he doesn't sleep in it or allow his clients of all ages from the young to the very old, different nationalities (locals and ang-mohs) and sizes (normal to the very big) to lounge in it either.

Like FatBloke does.

And the five or more 1 litre bottles of "Lander" mouthwashes he stores in the wall-mounted cabinet by the vanity basin is just reminiscient of the mouthwashes the men's clubs stock up on.

Twice moi's laundry has seen his shorts and berms color-stained even though moi has not used bleaching agents or whitening agents, just normal wash detergents.

It has never happened before save for that sole occasion at Bishan when moi puts his orange towel (which color runs) in to wash with his red-striped (color runs too) white shorts.

Moi grows suspicious!

Human Organ Transplant Act 2/2008 (Amendment)
The part on "when death occurs" (repealed by Act 22 of 1998) has not defined how death is classified and this is a serious omission as we don't get to see the Amendment.

Similary for the part "except Muslims" (deleted by Act 2/2008 wef 01.08.2008).

We should clamour to see the amendments in its entirety to compare what goes before and after and to be fully cognisant of the changes.

Otherwise amendments are just slipped in and in the cases of deletions, we don't really know what has been deleted.

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