Sunday, August 03, 2008

Chap Jee Ki - A Form Of Lottery (UpDated)

Administration Of Muslim Law Act - A Musing (No Not Amusing)
Moi went through some of the Administration Of Muslim Laws Act which has passed to MUIS. Apparently "halal" just doesn't refer to just products (which in this case can mean food and foodstuff) but services and activities which have to comply with Muslim laws in its production, processing, marketing, carrying out and displays.

Now that is really encompassing.

Next moi wanna know if moi's organs can be transplanted into a Moslem and vice-versa? And yes, a sex act between moi and a Malay dude, is that halal? Apparently it is ok.

And guess what, MUIS is a corporation too.

Further Musings
Perhaps that explains why HOTA has been extended (but I don't see the Amendment yet and even the 2004 amended act doesn't appear here).

Perhaps in devout Islamic countries like Iran, Iraq and Pakistan, recipients would only receive strictly "halal" human organs and body parts.

Perhaps in war-torn countries like these, human organs and body parts are in greater need both for the rich and the ordinary folk.

Perhaps that explains why moi ran into that Pakistani woman with hubby and kids in tow here for corneas transplant.

Perhaps moi was right in writing about bald vultures...she is bald and she is rich...O GOD! Please not you too! I trusted you. SOB SOB SOB ROB MOB SOB

Where Have All The Blood Gone? And Yes HOTA's Prohibition Of Organs Trading At The Moment Includes Blood
Someone told moi that despite being regular donors of blood they couldn't get blood when they needed it here at the hospital. They had to purchase it.

So he asked where have all our blood gone?

And yes HOTA includes blood.....that was also featured in "X-files - The Movie" where the paedophilic priest shed tears of blood and yes a bloody X marks the spot where the body parts were found.

It was featured again in Money No Enough 2 when they couldn't get the blood type for their mother and a granddaughter.

So really, where have our blood gone?

Who Is This Authorised Medical Practitioner?
Seems like he/she is the one to remove our organs. But who is he/she?

Since the Act exempts organs which have to be removed for embalming purposes, is the embalmer then that medical practitioner?

And because of this exemption, the embalming process then needs our human organs to be removed anyway right?

Once these organs are removed, then all moi's previous questions have to be answered. What happens thenceforth to these organs?

Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act - Which Can Be Adapted For Fumigation With Other Gases
Oops you have a law on this but I understand from a pest controller that cyanide is only used for killing termites.

Of course they have strict regulations on admixtures and manner of generating the cyanide, supervision, training, experience and licensing but the Act doesn't apply to open-air works. Oh my God, the foreign workers are carrying this out and without supervision as I witnessed.

What if humans are nearby especially for residents living in low-rises and its intoxicating effects are well-known ? And its dissolution effects in water? Since the gas can escape into air and come into contact with drinking water lying around or as a residual substance on our eating utensils for instance?

What about that?

But why have an accident part of the law which makes it look like it can happen and establishing an investigation and inquiry thereafter. What about prevention?

It also makes it look like our administrators can't be too sure what the real short term and long term effects of the fumigation are gonna be so they are gonna wait for something to happen and then call in the assessor, the legal or special knowledge experts .

Do not spend on unnecessary expenses now, wait for it to happen then spend it. Lives are not important.

And it seems any non-compliance with the laws prescribed here is only subjected to a "mind-boggling" $500 fine or less for each offence.

Whoa, the really scary part is that the accident which occasions loss of life and personal injury only merits a fine not exceeding $500? That is how much our lives are worth, people!

And not sending a notice of such (and I think the onus rests on the fumigators) only warrants a fine not exceeding $200.

Whoa again! Only the fumigators get to lodge the notice and not the people suffering the death or injury? It looks like absolving someone of a crime or something.

I think sending a notice of such to the Minister by then will be far too late, so I hope that preventive measures are in place.

And since this Act can be adapted to fumigation from other gases, that means we are not safe too with other kinds of funmigation works involving other gases. The same things can happen.

Supreme Council and Ombudsman again anyone?

Last Hyrdrogen Cyanide Laced Ciggy Pack For Moi
Oops, this is present in ciggies too.

But moi knows he doesn't inhale it as in breathe it in through the nose and lungs but only via his mouth? So is that harmful?

That's it. I am quitting smoking soon.

Photosynthetic Flotsam
If the people do not already know, back in the 80s and 90s there were talks of harnessing solar energy here.

In fact terms like "solar cells and solar panels" were tossed around so much, white water rapids pale in comparison. At that time, solar powered calculators were in vogue and moi even owned one.

So what happened?

Flotsam And Jetsam
And yes, flotsam is indeed the name of the game.

I have read an article relating to the "Westminster Parliamentary" democracy that we purportedly have here (sniggers again). It talked about "flotsam maverick" and I take that to mean "pure thrash and garbage" and "human flotsam".

If ever there were human flotsam, it simply reflects on the "system of governace". The creators of the system. Moi cannot clean up after it should it poo because it is not moi's system. Let the "flotsam" mavericks who can fawn very well do it.

Remember we are all its by-products.

Terror OnBoard
At one time, we were, like the rest of the world, chanting anti-terrorist slogans.

Look who we welcome onboard our shores. The Gaddaffi Institute.

So is the man a freedom fighter or terrorist?

Shit Thrashes
Like Liz and Leela before her, the foreign maid I ran into yesterday looks shitty and even if some of them look pretty, the words and language and the tone that tumbles out of their mouths tell you what shitasses they are.

So many foreigners here, so many shitasses and a babel of tongues that boggles.

Bitch whores, sluts ...the wimps and blimps.

Sex Is Good, Living Isn't
The men, whoever they are, are mesmerized with the womenfolk or gay sluts (local or foreign but I suspect more foreign).

It is certainly delicious with the sex act.

Wait till they stay together and the real strain begins.

Good luck!

Penal Code 376-377 (Sexual Offences) And 494(Offences Relating To Marriage)
I think Penal Code 377A shouldn't be the only repeal we should be looking at.

Look at the traps here. Sounds like a jealous enemy within who could think up these. Just like advocating polygamy for the rich and famous at one time back in those days, only to be slapped with Penal Code 494.

So much for all the false reassurances from our top. Totally evil!

Whoa! Far out!

Bo Chap Become Chap - How Do You Like It?
Singaporeans have been accused of being bo-chap.

I was among the "silent majority" and now that I have chosen to break this silence and chap, how does the administration like it?

Let sleeping dogs lie?

You get the picture, don't you?

So don't provoke or touch or harm moi ever.

P.S. Will be blogging far less frequently now. Unless something crops up again. And you make moi do it and prolong his suffering here among "humanity". TATA!

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