Wednesday, August 06, 2008

One Last Swipe For The Season End

True Blue Singaporeans
One who will think of the dire consequences first before he decides on business development. Particularly with respect to health products.

An incident etched into our collective memory will be a local celebrity who had a near-death experience with a diet pill.

As for my medical sales experience, I seriously pause at the kind of products and pharmaceuticals I was pushed to sell by my bosses. Yes one foreign boss.

No offence, some of the medical equipment and devices were made in the Third World and somehow, there were no safety certification.

When I was selling sanitarywares, I had to attend more to complaints about staining and product failure to comply with resistance to fair amount of wear and tear in a short time. I wasn't even selling anything much.

And yes again, there were no certification.

Not to mention the factory health standards. Workers grinding away and all that swirl of dust generated. Chronic respiratory problems later on? I won't know what the short and long term effects are.

Occupational hazards. I caught chicken-pox contracting it from a patient at a clinic when I did my medical sales rounds.

Please treat certification in the context of safety concerns and education as two different realms.

I guess we will truly be the losers here and the rest will be winners.

Two-Faced Singaporeans (Whoever You Are)
Looking back, Singaporeans (whoever they are) must be looking on the huge reserves we are running up with great envy.

I agree that I disagree with some of its spending in various areas.

And while conversing with a grandma one day some time back, I realised her dislike for maids was, besides the usual about hygiene, theft and work thoroughness, centred more on money.

She is looking after two grandchildren and the thought struck me that perhaps she wanted a grandparents' grant or something, if it isn't already in place.

Greedy Singaporeans who only hanker after money as if money is the main issue in bringing up a family. Not of time. Not of love. Not of anything.

PokerAsses Using Moi As A Pawn On A ChessBoard
Singaporeans are making use of moi to do all the talking for them while they keep a pretty and straight face in front of the administration, perhaps even fawning and flattering.

Behind closed doors, they were griping and whispering about the administration.

One (from the town council) even wanted me to contribute to the online forum which to this day I have not bothered.

There you are, higher administration! Your lackeys below you are not with you.

You are in graver danger than you think.

Perfect Role Modelling? Gosh..... But Openly Gay Educators Are Not Ok?
They are again prompting moi on one more aspect of education today.

I have noticed students playing cards these days and I suppose if the school authorities were to be doubly strict on this, they will have to slap their faces twice over.

What can they say if we have casinos here?

And openly gay educators are not ok.

You Voted Them In, Not Moi
Poor moi is put out here to observe all the double standards between talk and action, preach and actually doing.

I didn't even vote for any incumbent and am being subjected to this indignity and outrage by the majority.

Fuck you! No fucking balls!

For The Last Time
If the people or the administration are deaf, let me repeat a final time.

My appropriate dwelling place, my beau (and/or kid), pursue my interests and "career options" (if they are still available).

Period and buzz off.

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