Monday, August 04, 2008

Moi Loves Playing Detective And Justice Bao (Updated)

To A Large Extent, Useless Education
I concede there are parts and certain topics of some subjects that I find useful and applicable in moi's life. Subjects like languages are certainly totally useful.

Too bad the kinda local spoken English we watch on TV is just too ABC-accented. Nothing like the Standard English we speak but not Singlish of course.

Apart from languages, moi sorrily has to pronounce that academic education has been largely useless.

I mean I would love to be studying more chemical compounds in chemistry that are used as ingredients more readily in everyday applications but somehow we end up studying compounds that do not seem useful.

And to be able to analyse ingredients and their workings and effects in food we eat and products we use.

And moi isn't sure if he spotted his ex- JC GP head at the mall recently.

I mean look at the kind of very remote topics asked sometimes in GP questions or generally in any factual/discussive or argumentative essays at secondary level. Compare this to the kinda journal entries moi can write for his blogs based on true life encounters.

More personal, to the heart, experential, relevant, practical and life encountering.

We Need More Real Experts With Special Knowledge
That brings me to my next musing and that is that we shouldn't be too surprised that the "experts" in our midst, especially those very senior in years type, probably know next to nothing about their field of expertise.

They probably got there by virtue of their graduation degree, their exam grades and all that mugging and regurgitation, leaving little analytical skills and body of real knowledge.

This is most telling if some overseas products and services make their way here and they can't qualify as to their safety or efficacy.

We need people with more special knowledge and experience and who have made the rounds abroad to study and are axquainted with their products and services to be able to analyse and judge the safety and efficacy aspects.

More Musings On The Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act
All of what moi blogged about finally leads to this.

By having an accident part to the Act shows that our administration probably does not have special knowledge of what can happen when fumigation works are carried out.

They are acknowledging "imperfections" (again that "nothing is perfect" lame excuse for absolving mistakes) and as moi has said before, that o.1% imperfection can harm, maim or kill.

And again our administration has acknowledged this via the Act's statement of "any accident that occasions loss of human life and personal injury".

Wait till you read about the paltry $500 or less penalty imposed on offenders of the Act! That is how much our lives are worth and what a deterrent that is!

It is like waiting for a Spyros disaster to happen when we all thought that safety measures were well in place.

Moi has read that in higher concentrations, hydrogen cyanide can be explosive and I am not particularly pleased with the way I have observed the foreign workers (there are two of then who are supposed to be trained, experienced and supervised) carry out their work.

Coroners' Inquiries On Deaths From Accidents
What is even scarier is that there is a part on the "Coroners' inquiries on deaths from accidents".

Whoa, corpses, dead bodies and a coroner to top it all.

Wait...Who Gives Notice Of Accidents Resulting From Fumigation
Then there is the part where the onus of reporting the accident seems to go to the fumigators. Now why would this responsibility be devolved to the fumigators?

Unless of course the brunt of the full effects of the fumigation is not known and since the fumigators are the ones carrying out the fumigation, they will be the test bed for any side effects.
But don't forget there could be residual effects that can filter down to us as well.

Whopee Dong Mungo Sungo!

Young, Strong And Sometimes Dressed Fashionably Army Of Foreign Workers
What do you make of all these?

As far as I am concerned, this simply will not do and cannot go on. A pure lackadaisical attitude on the part of the fumigators as I have witnessed.

Remember that the army of foreign workers we are seeing are usually young. Being younger, they have the energy, the verve, the strength, so we expect them to be more vigilant, more thorough, more circumspect and more diligent.

Are we?

Your Control And Vote Strategies
We know you want your votes and they are easier to subdue and control only because they are bo-chap (this is not my home, I am here to make a livimg, afterall it is a commercial hub here), they are less discerning (coming from the Third World, this is a "paradise" no? But wait for their next generation and see if they will say the same) and they are under your thumb..

But at what kinda price?

To the detriment of the natives living here? Who would swear allegiance and do good by Singapore?

ABCDEFG...Now I Learn My ABC......Penal Code 376/A-G
Booby traps galore....

While I agree to some parts of the Acts like the age thingy to some extent though I still hold fast to pubescence as being the defining definition but since the maturity element is invoked, well maybe but sexually he/she is ready.

And the assault thingy too.

However nobody can tell a person's age based on appearance, size, height or weight. We can only ask and if he/she tells a lie, can't be blamed. So "mistake as to age" which can't be invoked (except for the opposite sex) isn't fair if he decides to tell another age later.

And the "consent" part is just too ambiguous and volatile.

It may be consent now but dissent later. Well if it is dissent based on some pecuniary interests, that is easy, it becomes "extortion".

If not it is gonna be just snitching after consent because of some feud or bad blood later on. How is one gonna argue based on that? No end to that.

As for commercial sex, what if the person is a rent boi in the first place? And then he decides to snitch based on some feud or bad blood later. Again we can't verify ages. Can we counter with "extortion" in return?

Or what about massage services doubling up as sex therapies in some instances?

There is no way we can verify the age except through the vendor vouching for the age.

Seems like incest is the way to go here for gay dudes.

What About Aggravators?
Other aggravators should apply like to married persons since that person supposedly has a sex partner and if he/she has children, then it is more aggravating.

Contrast this with a single person.

And women? How does the Penal Code apply to them if they were the initiators and then snitch?
And The Sentencing.....
In some cases, 10 to 20 years.

Contrast this with the $500 fine for the Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act....which occasions loss of human life and personal injury.

Far out!

Hope You Have Your Last Laugh, Professor
Look even a certain across the Causeway professor in one of his school's pre-opening mocked at the lack of questions during Q & A.

He is mocking us.

Are we to blame for the system that created us?

And yes a certain Malaysian ex-tenant of mine asked me what is there to teach about the English language especially for higher order kind which moi was trying to conduct in schools.

It really shows, doesn't it? And yes, I have sampled his English writing skills. Simply atrocious.

Moi Loves Playing Detective And Justice Bao (Maybe In Reel Life?)
Much as I will love to, joining in the fray for parliamentary elections is definitely out for moi. Unless of course I get parliamentarians for neighbors. And I mean all parliamentarians.

Moi has too many skeletons in his closet. I never claim to be Superman or Goody-Two-Shoes.

Someone has to pick up the pieces in my blog and go from there.

All moi can do is play detective and Justice Bao, perhaps in reel life.

Free Thinking - A Non-Religion To Be Respected On Its Own
And moi is not anti-religion. I only ask that atheism or agnoticism or free-thinking be like a religion in itself, respected for what it is and free from encumbrances from the other religions.

A non-religion.

As long as no anti-gay, no Sodom and Gonorrhea tales are played up, no double standards, no hypocriscy, no mere mortals intepreting their religions in a misconstrued way, no superstitions are stirred up, I am fine.

I Am Sure We Have Common Ground But Hey...We Have Different Aspirations
Moi does not hate foreigners either. Some of the young ones are really cute. Oo

Just that there are far too many of them here and we are different in many ways. From behavior and thinking to what is acceptable and not, mannerisms, speech, language, etc.

And we know they are seeking a better life, to make a small fortune while moi just doesn't live by economics alone.

There are greater life aspirations for the common good. Like trying to equip our next generation with better communication, life, thinking and analytical skills. A better sense of doing things good and right and not harming others. Etc.

Then our jobs and homes get taken away.

I only hate the policy-setters more. Period.

Concession Travel On Public Transport For Singaporeans Or For All?
Wait....what about concession travel on trains and buses and taxis? Do Singaporeans get concessions or do they apply to one and all?

Because as far as moi can see, all categories of the train/bus cards are the same for citizens, permanent residents and foreigners.

That is fair?

Final Word On HOTA is hot, hot, hot! Ho say la!

Ampun Tuanku....Terima Kasih........Bodoh.....

Singaporeans, you TAKE THE CAKE!

Moi adjourns for a season.

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