Monday, August 11, 2008

Who Do We Have Among Us Here

I have to write about the kinda foreign Third Worlders moi has encountered either at work or as a landlord and now as a tenant.

Foreign Room And Flatmates
As A Rentee
Recently moi wanted to share this room with someone as rentals were getting more expensive.

There were a couple of Malaysians who responded, one whom confirmed his booking but as there were no deposit paid and he was cautioning about how payment could be in arrears on some months, I responded to someone who listed in the classifieds.

As it turned out, it was his friend (he planted this friend there) and he accused moi of not keeping to my word.

So what do you think of this?

As A Rentor
A Filipino who had his girlfriend over to cook and share his room with him when it was meant for only himself. Cooking oil were used to cook fumy Western dishes and he didn't ask for permission. Big group of friends visited and lounged in the hallway.

A Malaysian ex-financial director now turned medical entrepreneur (asking moi for tips even as to who to consult in the medical field and do stock-take for him).

Visiting over the weekend with wife and kids without letting moi know and moi was at home in his underwear and had to hide in the bathroom for a while.

Setting up a mini-golf course in his room and putting holes.

At Work
One Malaysian dude working in the same Certified Public Accounting firm as moi and now at our Housing Board.

What of sensitive information about citizens' residences which he has privy to and the Malaysian community I am sure knows one another and keep each other informed.

Yes the Malaysian accountant who recently committed fraud and stirred up a financial scandal was a ex-colleague of mine. I remember him as someone who always puts on dark shades even in the office and he is married to a Singaporean teacher whose older sister was the ex nun-wanabe.

The same partnership firm has its founders who were certainly Malaysian too.

The New Young Malaysian Arrivals
We are now begining to see more of the younger set arriving in Singapore working in the retail, hair and beauty trades. Even in the professions like accounting and administration.

I feel they are gonna be worse, the kinds who hang around gay cruising places, clubs and engage in drug and sex parties and dragging along our Singapore boys.

Total bad influence!

What Does This Show?
Ill-mannered, rude, totally Third World, shit thrashes and we are bringing them in by the bus loads

They Are Coming In Here Sponsored, Hand-Held And Privileged I Am Sure
And the entrenched members of the older community here, they are probably sponsoring them here and recruiting them into our schools, universities and various trades on a priority basis.

Is that fair?

Who Are You People?
Come to think of it, I am not even sure who FatBloke and this masseur here really are. I have not verified their identities.

For sure the other flatmate here is a Malaysian PR working in a factory, so I was told.

There are so many of them here among the Chinese, Malays (for both races, including the Indonesians) and Indians.

We just do not know who is who anymore!

Influencing Other Nationals And Our Very Own
Worse they are instigating the Chinese nationals who come here (who are more diligent and smarter in some instances) and wanna drive them out of here because they are just jealous.

And they are manipulating and maneovuring them in trades like the massage services and inciting against our own local Malay community here. Even our Chinese here, driving us out of our homes and work.

Good luck Singapore, you will never get real talent in here anymore!

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