Sunday, August 17, 2008

Breezing Past The Election GoalPost (Updated)

Lightning Breeze And Walkovers
Let moi light the path for you to see how easy it is for the forever incumbent incumbents to breeze through an election. Think of this as Li Ning sauntering in the air amid a backdrop of an unfurling scroll on his way to light up the Olympic cauldron.

All it needs is a wide smile (yes photogenity helps), buy a sure-win ticket with the dominating dominant, no need to contest elections (yes, walkovers, what else and I suppose they equate walkovers with walking all over us poor people) while our poor, poor, poor opposition has to slog like mad, sit pretty in office, ensconed on a throne and dispense authority, beatification and parrot cockatoos.

If the opposition has been accused of AWOL, we have read how incumbent incumbents have used their time in office to go on Sabbaticals, further their own personal causes and have others sit in during their out-station periods, sometimes for perpetuity?

I am sure some of us dislike the kind of representatives thrust upon us in our wards without us ever having elected them to office in the first place. Truly non-representational. Because we don't even know what ideological platforms they are standing on (usually none save parroting cockatoos) and the kinda pomp and almightiness that sometimes accompany them.

There you have it! Need I say more?

Victory Ceremony And Speech By Singapore's Olympian Gold Medallist For Table Tennis
All inner thoughts and outward actions of Olympian are scripted in italic red and enscribed within braces.

"Today is a momentous day for us all," wipes off tears and blows into handkerchief while trying to stifle a sniffle or two.

"I cannot even begin to tell you how happy (hey, I am happier myself, 1.5 million, what do you think) I am at winning this Olympic gold for you. This is for you Singapore! (sniggers) You deserve this gold medal (laughs hysterically). You are the reason I train for years (after 48 years, siao liao la), breaking my back as a result (as if to prove a point, lets off moan amid crackling sound of spinal joints and puts hand to back) and yes even to the breaking point of losing my boyfriend (so much for work-life balance and at this juncture, takes out boyfriend's photo, karate chops it and tears it to moron) . It is all about you Singapore! (as if....lan jiao huey). You are the people who are the true Olympian winners! (sniggers again). Once again, thank you for this moment, this victorious moment is all yours!!" (laughs wildy hysterical yet again)

Stands back, kisses the gold medal and lifts it up in the air and waves.

At this, the crowd went absolutely mad and wild. The Kallang Roar and The Wave took hold and some spectators went into orgies. An old woman keeled over. One student in the crowd even went, "Overjoyed! Overjoyed! I am overjoyed!" (...fool....did your grandmother just win the Olympics? Or is it your grandfather?)

Post Victory Ceremony And Speech
Eyes lighting up and real tears welling up with real joy this time.

"At last, all this money! Fools..........Do you think I am gonna stay here for long. I am leaving on a jetplane bound for China (they are the true world Olympians, no?). What in the world am I gonna do with all this money? Let me think, I know, a new house back home, some investments in stocks and shares and a brand new Mercs don't sound too bad!"

"You know what! You people are just so stoopid! If you have too much cash on hand, you can always throw it away somewhere maybe on a training school for the para-olympics? (laughs hysterically, as if to mock us for our lack of olympic capabilities) Why this? I don't understand you..."

"Anyway, good for you. I have my hands full as it is and I am gonna call my mother right now!"

Turns away flashing large wads of cash in her hands. Our cash.

Oo There You Have It Folks
Yesterday morning, moi walks into that same community complex loo and two char-servants walked right in after that to clean out the place. They were colleagues of the Malay uncle. I have seen the manservant before and he usually trails moi too, right into the toilet.

Today nobody was around and the inspection card was a blank.

And it is quite certain that most of the malls' loos are in the state they are not because of the visiting public but because of the foreign workers who work there in the F&B, retail trades and the delivery people who visit. The packers, the workers taking breaks and so on.

Singapore Inc At Work Again, Chipping Away At The Very Foundation Of Families
Now that grandma probably is right.

If Singaporeans are to throw money to some foreign domestic helpers, they might as well throw money to have their parents look after their children instead. So a grandparents' grant is helpful.

I still opine that the system here does not support a family structure. You can put in as many monetary incentives and bonuses or build as many infant or child-care centres but that simply is counter-real-familial relationship and culture.

People want real time to spend with their kids, look after them, bond, build relationships and nurture the next generation.

That is just so MIA.

You Little Devil You.......
First it was $150 for the first whole month and he wants moi to pay $50 when moi only moved in for half a month. Then the second month it was $70 for a whole $200 odd split among the three of us and for the third month, I demanded to see the bill but hey, he ain't showing it.

Now I have two discolored shorts and someone could have put in bleaching detergents into the washer while they were being washed like he did changing my washing cycle time.

You take the cake, masseur boy!

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