Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fuck You MotherFuckers (Updated)

National Day Parade 2008
It has been a long while since moi had wathed the NDP, especially since moi gave up his own house two and a half years ago.

It opened with dark storm clouds and a shower. Our 43rd National Day celebrations that is.

Moi was totally impressed with star artistes like Hady, Kimberly Chan, Jacintha, De Silva and Nat Ho who each had special vocal talents, be it jazz, suprano or the rendition of various genre of songs .

Watching the Dark Knights and their aerial displays was akin to watching a Hollywood movie on air fights, what with the close-ups of the pilots in the cockpits and the stunts they performed. Don't forget the parachuters encircling first in air and then jettisoning down all the way.

Moi was awed no end.

The kite-flying on water power-boats were just as dazzling and the entire musical production on land was superb ranging from the props, the performances to the costumes.

Both Parade Commanders had done well by Singapore (again part of our "elites" and possibly among the "millionaires" league with personal glimpses showing "happy" families, swanky homes with swimming pools).

But like this parade, along with other icons like its national anthem, the Merlion and our Singapore flag (the pledge was missing this year) , what is the reality out there for most Singaporeans?

When Gurmit Singh said that the TV audience was watching this show in the comfort of home, that was when moi was struck by a bolt of lightning.

Here moi was, homeless for the past two and a half years, subjected to all kinds of indignities and outrage by both foreign and local landlords/tenants and soon moving to smaller and far less comfortable quarters despite paying a hefty price.

And that is home!

Foreign Sluts And Conspirators (With The Aid Of Locals)
My very first contact with room-rentals since moi moved out was with two Malaysian chief tenants who had taken over a Singapore-owned heartland property.

One was working in our auxilary police and as I happened to chance recently, as an airport emergency worker.

He is trained in martial arts and was supposed to be a security escort for our parliamentarians at one time as I learned.

So I am not sure why he is now working at our entry-exit points which are our security lifelines given the fact that he could tap into security-enabled networks of his neighbors . What does that show? Someone in a high-security position having no qualms doing this.

Then I soon found out his other Malaysian friend now secures China masseurs for the gay sex trade when his private mobile is the number of the masage services.

There you have it, our foreign gay brethen engaging in shady, clandestine and usually illegal business deals with the aid perhaps of our local gay brethen too.

Sullying Points - Outright Cheats
Now if the Malaysian had managed the Chinese masseurs well, it would have been fine.

Many a time, moi has been conned into accepting someone different from what moi requested for (of a different person or nationality) and someone totally different from the photograph gallery whereby photos have been touched up to show a more mascular person.

Then there wasn't any proper massage first and foremost and the masseurs do not comply with original instructions handed down by moi to the vendor to do the things requested.

Pure cheats!

Rallying Points?
And moi has noticed one or two people here who wear shirts emblazoned with a tiny insignia of the Malaysian flag. I hope they are tourists, if not, what does that show?

Finally are foreigners breeding diseases here like the chiku thingy and bed bugs plus countless others like SARS, bird flu and so on? Do we have a say again as to who lives, works or plays here?

You Won't Help A Fella Singaporean And What Does Our National Pledge Says
What irks moi was when moi made the rounds of schools just to promote his enrichment programs, moi was given the cold shoulder and told to wait in line or promised dates that never materialised.

A few miserable projects and they were employing their own kind - fella ex-teachers and friends.

A constituency surgery bungle which proved of no help later and now having waited two and a half years, moi is still nomadic.

Fuck you Motherfuckers!

Die Today And Your Organs Get Removed, Millionaire NotWithstanding
And see how some of our citizens (naturalised even) and non-citizens are benefitting.

The vast majority of us can forget the Singapore dream like cars, landed homes (even public ones) and making a million. That will only be the 77000. We can slog, we can dream and we can fawn, but we will never reach there!

Dream on Singapore!

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